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By: Anita Mondragon
For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.” -Hebrews 12:6
Years ago, when I was a missionary in Mexico, I recall standing up in a testimony meeting and saying: “I thank the Lord for all the spankings He’s given me over the years!” I can tell you, that statement raised some eyebrows! But I remember my dad always telling my brother and me that he loved us, and couldn’t let us continue doing wrong and that’s why we were getting disciplined.
It’s the same with God. He loves us so much that he can’t allow us to continue on in our sin. Sometimes, he can speak to us and we will turn from our wrong path; but other times, when we are hell-bent on having our own way, he has to get our attention…and that can get a little rough-especially if you’re hard headed like me!
I have a little dog that’s just like me. He’s disobedient, way-ward, stubborn, and downright defiant at times! He shows his teeth, growls, and even tries to nip me. This usually happens when it’s time for him to go outside and do his business. He hates going out at night…or in the snow and rain, but he must! We also have a huge hawk around here and he’s afraid of it.
He reminds me of myself.
God impresses upon me that I need to speak to someone about Him…but it’s out of my comfort zone. This person is in a dark, dark place and there are many elements I must wade through to reach that goal. Sometimes, demon powers are so thick I can feel them grab at me…and the devil himself is lurking, waiting to devour me. But I MUST press on and witness!
Sometimes, it takes me a while to move as God has instructed me. I ‘show my teeth and growl’, and even bite back with my words of defiance and arguments; that’s when he speaks to me and explains ‘why’ I must go. If I still hesitate and put up a fight…he must get my attention, and that can become rough if I continue in my disobedience .
You see, just like I know what is best for my little dog…God KNOWS what is best for me! Why?? Because He loves me!


By: Michael Mondragon
I want to talk about living in fear. Fear pervades our lives in a variety of ways. Some of us live with fear daily. Fear is a BIG THING now and it seems this is the tool that the enemy is using. It makes us weak, ineffective, and keeps us isolated. This is how the enemy divides God’s people. And, when divided, we can be defeated so much more easily!

We fear the Coronavirus. We fear the end of the world. We fear war. Some of us fear what others think of us. We fear many things! But, there is such a thing as a healthy fear. This fear is what God gave us. It keeps us safe and honest. It is a trigger that keeps us from dangerous situations. There are different kinds of fear…fear of danger as I just mentioned, fear-or to be afraid and expect the worst, and reverential fear- to stand in awe of God Almighty.

God speaks to our fears daily. In Isaiah 41:10, God says, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”

The phrase, “Fear not” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible! That’s one for every day of the year! Look them up…you’ll be amazed!

The Lord provided us fear as an emotion in nature to keep us from harm-a preservation instinct. But He never intended it to overwhelm you! Most of our fears are unfounded because we don’t trust the Lord to have control of every situation in our lives. We must place all our fears in His care for He understands and knows what is and what will come to pass. He has you in the palm of His hand!

I encourage you to have Godly fear-a reverent fear for WHO He is! But fear that pervades our lives in a negative way is something that God does not want us to continue to dwell in! We become ineffective for His use and we live our lives and settle for less than what God has for us! Get to KNOW Him in a personal way…then you will be able to discern the counterfeit!


The Defense of the Christian…

The Defense of the Christian is their Innocence 
By: Victoria Harrington


Let’s talk about Daniel 3. You know, the one about those three guys who got thrown into the fiery furnace. Sadly, some of us only heard it in Sunday school in elementary school or on television by talking vegetables.  Well let’s get those simplistic images out of your head and talk about what the deeper meaning of this story is about, the idolatry of national identity. Daniel 3 is written as an exposè of what happens when a people exalt themselves to be on the same level as God and what we as Christians are to do when this happens. What do you do when you, God’s people, find yourselves living in a nation that’s going down a path like this? What do you do as a Christian individual, as a Christian family, as a Christian community, when your country is pushing ideas that are not in line with the Word of God? It starts off with a scene that is common in the Bible, the building of an idol.

“King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. He then summoned the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials to come to the dedication of the image he had set up. So, the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials assembled for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up, and they stood before it. Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do: As soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.”

Daniel 3:1-5

Babylon has always represented a place- a nation- a people, who do unrighteous things. It is a larger-than-life image of humanity. An archetype of self-exaltation, and the epitome of everything wrong in the human condition. Statues are found all over the New and Old testaments. We don’t think too much of them now and half the time when we read the Bible we think, “Why would they worship a statue? Isn’t that kind of silly?” It is a primitive idea and we don’t know exactly what the statue was made to look like, but please realize that it is more than a statue. It is an idea. The statue represents an idea, a dangerous idea, because it is one that replaces God as the highest authority.  It embodies everything that Babylon was, much like the Statue of Liberty is the symbol and embodiment of the United States of America…not so primitive now, eh?

What King Nebuchadnezzar was asking of these people was that they give their allegiance to this statue. In other words, King Nebuchadnezzar wanted his people to give their allegiance to everything Babylon represented.  Give allegiance to child sacrifices, allegiance to adultery, allegiance to worshiping Baal, ect. These people would commit themselves to letting their nation define right and wrong for them. To let Babylon define what failure and success meant for them. That Babylon could define their reality without any question. This statue is a representation of a direct defiance of God and His power.  

As Christians we know that this breaks the first and second commandments given by God to Moses, (Exodus 20:4-5). A kingdom represented by an image. On page 1 of the Bible God created an image of Himself.  The same Hebrew word that was used in Genesis 1 for image is the word that is used in Daniel 3 for this statue.  Do you see that Satan cannot have original ideas? He must corrupt the ideas and creations that God and man have created. Man was made in God’s image and like God can create. That is what man was made to do. Satan was not made to create and was not made in the image of God. Instead, Satan disrespects God by making His image bow down to stone, wood, or a nation. Saying that the Creator’s image should bow and worship something that His image has created. How backwards, yet it happens all the time. He really is a master deceiver. 

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refuse to conform to extreme nationalism. 

“But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego—who pay no attention to you, Your Majesty. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.”

Daniel 3:12

Essentially these counselors have posed Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego as a national threat. That is a huge claim, but the King believed it because they were his closest companions. How do your friends shape your thinking? Do they encourage secular ideas, your ideas, or God’s ideas?

What I consider one of the most important lessons for Christians is found in the response Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego gave to King Nebuchadnezzar when he confronts them about their choice to not bow down to his statue. 

“Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

Daniel 3:16-18

This has got to be the politest rebellion ever. These three friends calmly tell the King, we do not have to have a theological debate or even defend ourselves about this. We will not let you define right and wrong for us. Our God defines that for us. We will not serve your gods. If you want to kill us, okay, but we still will not worship what you worship. You are not God and that is not up for debate with us. Peaceful and polite. Then they take it a step further and say that even if God does not save them, they still put their allegiance with Him. They still have faith in Him even if things do not go the way they think it should. How many of us can say the same? 

Naturally the King was not happy. Satan cannot stand when a Christian just won’t give up. When you say and believe “never-the-less God I trust in you even if it hurts. I love you and will worship you even if my life gets worse, because you are worth it.” That is powerful. That is someone who has learned the power of peace and peace like that is only found in Jesus Christ.

This highlights the spiritual power of resisting the temptation of associating yourself with the popular ideologies and trends in your communities that do not line up with God’s Word.  The Bible is your guide book, the Holy Spirit is your mentor, and we are to use them to help us discern right and wrong. These men did not go hide and make their own secret community in Babylon. They did not withdraw to themselves and they did not promote violence. They acknowledge that God is their justifier. He sees and He knows all the injustice happening. They lived their lives peacefully  and to be honest Nebuchadnezzar probably wouldn’t have even noticed had his buddies not ratted them out. God told Jeremiah the same this to prophecy to the people of Israel before they were carried in exile, 

“This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

Jeremiah 29:4-7

The power of God’s people during resistance is their innocence. Jesus did not fight physically or needlessly argue. In fact, the scriptures tell us that arguing with people who are committed to arguing is foolish, (Proverbs 26:4-5). The fact that they are not a threat makes the power of their witness so significant. We must remember the three commands that Jesus did give us, love God, love your neighbor, and seek to share His kingdom with others. With this in mind we can give the best to our communities.  At Praise Center we have communion every first Sunday of the month. Together as a unified body we reject the things of this world, Babylon, and commit ourselves to being the body of Christ.

“And so declare your allegiance by taking the bread and cup.”

Colossians 1:15-20

The Right Time… It’s Your Time!

By Art Herrera
Galatians 4:3-7 NLT.
3 And that’s the way it was with us before Christ came. We were like children; we were slaves to the basic spiritual principles of this world.
4 But when THE RIGHT TIME came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. 5 God sent Him to buy freedom For US who were slaves to the law, so that HE could adopt us as his very own children. 6 And because we are HIS children, God has sent the Holy Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.”7 Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child.[e] And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.
God tells us in these verses that we were slaves to sin and servants to sin until God sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem us. How and why? Since God loves us, He wants us to be with Him in heaven forever. But since God is also just, (look up the word JUST pertaining to God.) like the just judge, He cannot ignore our Sins and crimes; there must be a price paid for these Sins. God is so Holy that the good things we do could not possibly outweigh the Sins we commit, whether we think that is fair or not. There is only one sacrifice that would pay the sufficient penalty for our sins. So, what is that sacrifice?
Do you remember how the Israelites would sacrifice a perfect lamb periodically as a sacrifice for their sins? But this wasn’t sufficient and they had to keep sacrificing lamb after lamb. When Jesus the perfect Lamb of God came to earth as man and as God, He allowed Himself to be sacrificed on the cross, and His blood then paid the full penalty for all of our sins. Jesus redeemed each and every one of us just as these verses say. But as with any gift, it must be accepted or we do not have it. Have you invited Jesus Christ into your heart, if not what’s stopping you. You can pray this simple yet sincere prayer inviting Jesus Christ into your heart. Jesus I accept your free gift of Eternal Life that you offer to me. The door of my heart is open and I invite you to come in and wash me clean from all my Sins. I accept you as my Lord and Savior, in Jesus mighty name.
If you prayed that prayer I welcome you to the family of God.
If you need help message me and Together We Will Beat Up The Devil.
To God Be The Glory.


By: Grace Harmon
Look at the pictures of flowers! 
The flowers sway with the wind.  We need to move with the Lord.
 When it gets dark, the flowers close up. We close up when the darkness has our hearts and we feel like we are dying inside.  
When the sun comes up we move towards the sun and the flowers grow and move towards the rays of the sun.
 Lord Jesus shatter the darkness in our hearts with your bright light. In Jesus name amen!

According to a 5 Year Old

When the Old Testament was done, they started the New Testament. Jesus was the Star. He was born in a barn in the town of Bethlehem. I wish I had been born in a barn, too, because then, when my mother says to me, “Close the door. Were you born in a barn?” I could say, “As a matter of fact, I was.”
Jesus argued a lot with the Chief Priests and Democrats. He had twelve opossums. Most of them were good, but Judas Asparagus was not. He was so bad, they named a really yucky vegetable after him.
Jesus healed some people and leopards. Then He preached to the Germans on the Mount. But the Chief Priests and Democrats were mad at him and put Him on trial. Pilot was too chicken to stick up for Him, so he just washed his hands.
Jesus died for our sins and came back to life again. He went to heaven, but will come back at the end of the aluminum. We can read about this in the Book of the Revolution.

He Knows Your Name!

By: Art Herrera
As a kid growing up in a Bible Believing, Preaching Church my wife Andrea Sainz Herrera learned a song that I’m sure many of you know. It’s based on a story found in Luke 19 and it begins like this:
Zaccheus was a wee little man,
And a wee little man was he.
He climbed up in a sycamore tree,
For the Lord he wanted to see.
It’s a catchy little song but don’t write it off as just a song for kids because the story it tells, found in Luke 19:1-10 carries some profound truths. I encourage you to read it in your devotional time.
I want to share a few things with you from this passage. The first actually comes from the last verse in the text, and I believe that’s a perfect summation of Jesus’ mission:
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.
The word lost here doesn’t just mean something misplaced, like a set of keys, It means something that has lost its purpose. Something that is not fulfilling the purpose for which it was made. It’s broken, not functioning.
Zacchaeus was lost, broken. And the truth is every person is lost without Jesus – we are all failing to fulfill the purpose for which we were designed.
Jesus came to find us and restore our function, redeem us for God’s purpose.
look at what happened when Jesus encountered Zacchaeus on that road. There are four things I want you to notice that happened to Zacchaeus, but they also apply to you and me when we really want Jesus in our lives.
1. He knows your name
As he was passing by, Jesus stopped, looked up into the tree, and called Zacchaeus By Name. He didn’t point and say “hey you”, he called his name. Jesus had a personal encounter with Zacchaeus. And he calls each of us by name. Jesus is calling you now.
2. He makes you what you aren’t
Zacchaeus’ name means “pure” but as a tax collector, someone who cheated other Jews and was rejected by them, he was anything BUT pure. That is, until Jesus called him
3. He welcomes you as a friend
We find Jesus inviting Himself over to Z’s home. Even though he didn’t know Zacchaeus, he stopped and said, “I must stay at your house today.” He treats Zacchaeus, the hated tax collector like a dear friend. Not only does he invite himself but he brings his buddies and says, “we’re staying for dinner.”
Jesus wants to make himself at home in your heart. (Side note) My daughter Christian Mendez says about Christianity, ” it isn’t a religion, it’s a relationship.” Jesus wants a personal relationship with you.
4. He changes your life
In verse 9, Jesus says, “today salvation has come to this household.” Zacchaeus joyfully received Jesus Into his home (heart).
The story continues that it wasn’t simply a matter of sharing a meal. Z’s heart grew. After meeting with Jesus things were never the same for him. And that’s what happens for us when we encounter Jesus, welcome him in, and experience a changed heart.
Jesus was just passing through Jericho that day. And He’s still passing through today, inviting each of us into a relationship where we’re HIS friend, no longer lost, but restored to our God-given purpose.
Have you invited Jesus Christ into your house (heart) if not what’s stopping you. You can pray this simple yet sincere prayer inviting Jesus Christ into your heart. Jesus the door of my heart is open and I invite you to come in and wash me clean from all my Sins, today I accept you as my Lord and Savior, in Jesus mighty name.
If you prayed that prayer I welcome you to the family of God.
To God Be The Glory.

All of My Days I Sing Your Praise

By: Kay Franklin 
All of my days, I sing your praise.
For all of you ways,
YOU deserve my praise!
You are the air I breath,
You are the song I sing;
You are my everything! 
I give YOU praise! 

Compromise and Indecision

Genesis 19

     Lot and his wife made a home in Sodom. I’m sure that their goal was not to raise up their children in the ways of heathens. I’m sure that being in the environment they were in, they didn’t realize the little compromises they made with God added up.  We do this too, living in such a secular world we are bombarded with unrighteous music, television, even certain friends we have in our lives. Compromises that add up and we let pass because we don’t see them as a big deal.

     Too much of Lot’s life was in Sodom and the result of this is that his testimony became invalidated, because he compromised his faith there. We can see this through his relationship with the other people there. His words hold no weight for them. Even Lot’s children disregarded his faith after witnessing multiple compromises that he and his wife allowed in their lives. He chose the easy path to riches and prosperity in Sodom, entangling his life so completely with the corrupt system that he is hesitates to follow heavenly instruction and risks his life for something meant for destruction. We must be urgent to obey God and not get attached to the things in this world. Of course, we have all heard this before, but the reality is that we all have earthly materials that bring us security and the thought of giving them up brings fear into our hearts. What if God asked you to sacrifice your house after you paid it off? What if He asked you to give up your job without any prospect of another, even if he didn’t reveal the reason to you immediately? Would you trust Him? What about simple things, like not listening to secular music; songs that you grew up on? The ones that aren’t that bad…
or your favorite television show that seem to be getting a little more risqué with every new episode? Could you give up certain friends that talk about things you know you have no business talking about?  These little compromises add up and corrupt a good consciousness. The Christians biggest mistake is not seeing the big picture that it isn’t just you that you have to worry about.
     Lot’s lack of righteousness produces a domino effect into the corruption of his daughters’ upbringing. This leads to the choice of assaulting their father. Had Lot been a righteous man and not compromised in Sodom and protected his children they would have understood the importance of character and integrity. They would have not turned to self-preservation, (a form of selfishness and anxiety), or taken sexual immorality so lightly. As a result, Lot’s life ended in shame. His family line was shamed and the generation after him did more harm than good for the Jewish people, all because of his love for this world and the compromises that come from that love. Lot represents compromise, but his wife represents indecision. Jesus warned his followers to remember her when the time of great tribulation comes.

“It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Remember Lot’s wife!”

                                                  Luke 17:30-32

     Indecision comes when we get comfortable in our lives that are full of compromise. It reveals itself when we are confronted by the Holy Spirit. Through the conviction of our hearts, He implores us to be obedient in a season and we hesitate to acknowledge His still small voice, (1 Kings 19:11-13). We have committed ourselves to our comfort zones that He is trying to constantly pull us out of. A true walk with the Lord is consistently stepping out in faith, the unknown, and trusting Him to lead you. Steps not leaps. The idea of “leaps of faith” is a man-made idea. The Bible says “walk by faith,” (2 Corinthians 5:7).

     It is a lifestyle, not a every once in a while, when you feel brave type of situation. You cannot walk by faith if you hesitate before every single step you take.  To walk is to go forward in a natural movement and pace; consistently. As we see the end of the age, no Christian should have a heart like Lot or Lot’s wife. We should strive forward with excitement at the coming of our deliverance, not back at the world in mourning of our old life. Do not look back at your old life with the sad thought of leaving it behind. RUN. Leave it behind you with joy. Your joy comes from the Lord not from this world! Do not be the Israelites who said it was better in Egypt when the road gets rough. Instead see that the rough road is leading you to a door of blessing! We do not serve a God who delights in the sufferings of His people. It is written that His thoughts toward you are peaceful and full of hope, that His plans are to prosper you. He uses ALL things for good. Do not be anxious at the unknown future, that is God’s business not yours. He has it taken care of.

     The sin of indecision confuses some people, how can not deciding be a bad thing? The truth of the matter is that not deciding is a decision in-and-of itself. You are deciding to disobey by not responding immediately to what God has commanded. It is simple disobedience by pride. Pride that tells the Lord you do not trust that what He is telling you to do is worth doing with swift, purpose. That maybe He made a mistake and you need to think it out for Him. What a slap in the face to our creator, yet we all do it. The Bible calls this being double-minded.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”

                                                            James 1: 5-8

     If you sit on your knees and pray for better faith or for God to fix your situation then disobey out of fear or complacency when the opportunity arises are you not better than Lot or his wife? We must be of one mind with Christ. The results of this kind of thinking are detrimental to you and the generation you produce after you. We have a responsibility to more than just ourselves. As the body of Christ we must stop thinking that our choices here on Earth only affect us in the present time and see further.  This way we can live unselfish lives and become unified as His people.
– V. Harrington


By: Anita Mondragon
There used to be a popular song out when I was younger.  It was called, Born to be wild.  If you’re in my age group, you most likely remember it.  But God says in His Word, that we are all born for a purpose…and I’m sure, it’s not to be wild!  We are to bring glory and honor to God, our Creator.  
I was watching a movie the other day and heard this statement:  “…Look at them…You’re going to die for them????”  The answer came back in a whisper…. “I was born for them so that I could die for them.  It’s the only reason I’m here…”  
After hearing that, I began thinking about the Cross and how Jesus died for us.  He KNEW why He was born-even before He came to earth to be born in a manger.  He knew His purpose.  He knew every thing that He would have to endure in order to bring us to Heaven.  He knew it all, even before the foundation of the world…and He created us anyway!  I have a hard time trying to fathom that kind of love.  He knew how wayward we’d be.  He knew how rebellious we’d be.  He knew every sin that mankind would commit…how we would scoff at His Word…how He’d be beaten, mocked, stripped naked, nailed to a Cross, and even how His Father, God Almighty would have to turn away…but He created us anyway; and He loved us SO much that He was willing to die so that we could live with Him forever!  
How can we continue in our sin knowing all of this?  How can we even think that we are happy doing what is wrong?  
It’s time to ask ourselves, “WHAT WAS I BORN FOR?” 
God has a purpose for each and every person that comes into the world.  Maybe it’s to be a doctor and save human life.  Maybe a scientist and come up with a cure for all the ailments of this world.  Perhaps an artist that sees God’s beauty and puts it on canvas.  Maybe a missionary or a preacher that brings the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  Perhaps you have an extraordinary voice and are to be a Worship leader.  Whatever your talent…God will show you if you ask Him.  But if you are a born again Believer…whatever your occupation, your main purpose is to tell others about this wonderous love of Jesus Christ, and bring them to the Cross.  
Are you ready to fulfil your purpose?  Then ask God, “What was I born for?  What is MY purpose?”  When He shows you…Live it, every day!

One Response to “Forgiven- A Daily Devotional”

  1. Anita says:

    What a great prayer! As Believers, this is the kind of stuff we should be seeking God for on a daily basis!
    Thanks for the reminder sister Francine!

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