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By Anita Mondragon
Here’s some ABC’s we should all learn!  These would be great verses to teach our kids! Take a look…

A– Abide in Me, and I in you…

B– Be still, and know that I am God…

C– Come unto Me, all you who are burdened and heavy laden, and I will give you rest…

D– Do good to those who despitefully use you…

E– Even so, come Lord Jesus…

F– Forgive one another as I have forgiven you…

G– Give, and it shall be given unto you…

H– Happy is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly…

I– I come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly…

J– Jesus said unto them, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life…

K– Keep yourself from idols…

L– Love one another…

M– Magnify the Lord…

N- Narrow is the gate that leads to Life everlasting…

O– Obedience is better than sacrifice…

P– Peace…be still! …

Q– Quicken us together…

R– Run with patience, the race that is set before you…

S– Seek the Lord with your whole heart, and you will find Him…

T– This is true religion that our God our Father accepts as pure and faultless…

U–  Uphold me with Thy Spirt oh Lord…

V– Vengeance is Mine says the Lord, I will repay…

W– Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved!…

X– eXault the Lord…

Y– Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me!…

Z– your Zeal has provoked many to believe…


By Anita Mondragon

“And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, “Come and see.”

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.  Revelation 6:1-2

When I was fourteen years old, my dad pastored a church on the West side of Denver.  Every Summer, we had Vacation Bible School (VBS).  One year, all the lessons during that week, were about Jesus coming back on a white horse, leading the armies of Heaven.

I remember seeing four little boys in attendance, all about six years of age.  They had never been to VBS before, and were loving every minute of it!  One of the boys in particular, was especially enthralled with the white horse that Jesus is going to ride one day.  He kept telling everyone he’d meet, “I want to go Heaven and ride a white horse with Jesus when He goes into battle!”  One day, while at VBS, he knelt down on his knees, and asked Jesus to save him so that he could ride in the battle on that Great Day.

About two weeks later,



By Anita Mondragon
I heard a statement the other day that totally changed my mind about myself….It was this:
“Don’t allow yourself to be defined by those who leave.”
I’ve had a lot of people leave in my life.  Left in a burning house when I was four years old, because a box of books seemed more important than me.  Left on an empty apartment floor after being raped.  Left alone for nine months while carrying a child-the result of that rape.  Left twice due to divorce.  All of their departures made me feel worthless, unloved, unwanted, unappreciated, alone.  I could use more words, but you get the picture.
I gave my all to these people, and they abandoned me in return for my loyalty to them.  Has that ever happened to you?  I’m pretty sure if we’re honest, it’s happened to all of us.  But God…



By Anita Mondragon
As Believers, we are called to be like Jesus.  
I don’t know if I’m the only one who at times struggles with this, but sadly enough…I do!  I just told my husband the other day, “I’m so tired of being the forgiver and never the forgiven!  Everyone else seems to think they can have a human moment, and temporarily  ‘fall from grace,’ and I’m supposed to forgive them…but when I am guilty and do the wrong things, forgiveness from them is nowhere to be found!”
Did I really think that…and then voice it out loud???  Yes!  I did.
You see, my dad was a preacher for over forty years and my brother and I were always supposed to be the example.  There was always someone running to my dad to report on our failings and trespasses!  All the other kids in the church were forgiven when they made a mistake, but not my brother and I.  So…here I am, some sixty years later still having to be the example because I’m in ministry.  
I get it.  I KNOW I’m supposed to be like Jesus.  Not only because I’m in ministry…but most of all because I am a Believer, a follower of Jesus.  He’s my Savior and Lord!  
So I said all of that to say this…we are ALL human.  We all make mistakes and displease the Lord at times.  But let’s stop passing judgment and take the beam out of our own eye before we try to remove the splinter out of our brother’s eye!  
GOD FORGAVE US…AND WE SHOULD BE QUICK TO FORGIVE OTHERS!  Romans 5:8 says: But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.  If we are truly going to be like Jesus, then we need to love those around us and forgive them as Jesus forgave and still forgives us!


By Anita Mondragon
I was watching a movie the other night that had the Crucifixion scene of Jesus in it.  As I heard the thief hanging next to Jesus say, “Lord!  Remember me when you come into your Kingdom…”  it struck me that perhaps that’s what a Believers heart cries out to our Heavenly Father in our last dying breaths.  Remember Jesus’ response to him? …”Today, you shall be with me in Paradise!”  And peace fell on the thief!
I’ve been at the side of dying loved ones twice.  They were in much agony and pain.  Tears and loud cries were heard as they begged death to come quickly; but in the last few moments, when they came to the end of the way, a perfect peace came over them as a smile crossed their face and arms went up to greet the One unseen-the Prince of Peace!  A quietness filled the room and peace was tangible. Jesus Himself was there!
The folks I was with KNEW Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  He was there with them, carrying them through the valley of death.  They were not alone!  He assured them that they would shortly be in Paradise with him where all suffering and pain would come to an end.
Do you have a fear of death?  Does the thought of coming to the end of the way frighten you?  Then call on Jesus.  You won’t have to go alone.  He’ll be carrying you as you go from this life to the next.
Anita Mondragon

Saturday Salvation: Shall Be…

By Art Herrera
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord Shall Be Saved” (Acts 2:21).
There are three important truths in this verse. The first is that “whosoever” shall call on the Lord and be saved.
The second thing the verse tells us is that we don’t have to have perfect faith or the faith of a Daniel—our faith in Jesus must be simple enough to “call upon” Jesus and then we are saved. BUT please note that the verse does not tell us that we must call upon Jesus in addition to other things.
Lastly, God is telling us that when we call upon the Lord, we “SHALL be saved,” not that we might be saved or may be saved. And He’s not saying that we will be saved if we do enough good works. Praise God, this verse tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord SHALL be saved!
Have you invited Jesus Christ into your heart, if not what’s stopping you? You could pray this simple yet sincere prayer inviting Jesus into your heart.  “Jesus, the door of my heart is open and I invite you to come in, forgive me of all my sins and wash me clean in Jesus Mighty Name.”
If you prayed that prayer, I welcome you to the family of God. You can also contact us to speak with a counselor/pastor


By Debbe Block
We are not so removed
from the first Garden
Sin has followed us here
It found us just as foolish
Just as human
Just as flawed
Just as hopeless
But God
Rich in mercy
Loved us in our sorry state
And embraced the pain of death required
To bring us home again

Just As You Are

By Anita Mondragon:
“But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?”
Luke 12:20, KJV
…behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)”
2 Corinthians 6:2, KJV

Softly, and tenderly, He’s calling to you…

Are you almost persuaded to come?

As He stands at the portals of Heaven, just waiting…

He’s calling to YOU… “Please…come home!”

Ask Him to search your poor heart today,

Then, come…just as you are!

He’ll wash you whiter than the snow…

This Lily of the Valley…this Bright and Morning Star!

Let Him search your heart…

Let Him change you today.

He’s the Truth…the Life…

He’s the ONLY Way!

So…come to Him now-

Just as you are;

Let Him free you from sin…

Just open your hearts door!

When you hear Him knock…

Open it wide, and ask Him in…

For softly and tenderly, He’s calling to you…

Just listen…and come as you are!

What Kind Of Tool Are You?

By Anita Mondragon
In a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and earthenware, and some for noble use, some for ignoble. If anyone purifies himself from what is ignoble, then he will be a vessel for noble use, consecrated and useful to the master of the house, ready for any good work. (2 Timothy 2:20-21 RSV)

Pastor has been doing a series of sermons titled, Equipped 2 Serve. In this series, we as Believers are learning how to make a difference in the world in which we live.  We are learning our purpose, or put another way, we are finding out what kind of tool God made us to be.  We are all made with specific skills-unique to the purpose God has designed for us!  What a wonderful thought!  There’s no one quite like me…or like you; we are Special in God’s eyes, created for a certain task and time.


I woke up thinking about tools, and their specific use.  I know…weird huh?!  But the above verse came to mind.  I used the word tools, the Bible uses the word, vessels.  Either way, they are things used for specific purposes. We always hear, and I believe the Bible teaches that we all were created for a purpose.  The main purpose I believe is to glorify God, and bring others to Salvation.  However, we are all endowed with different gifts to bring glory to God and show Salvation to the world.  Some folks are musicians, others, teachers, preachers, evangelists, prayer warriors, counselors, etc.  Some of us don’t have great titles like the ones I just mentioned, but we are nonetheless just as important.  We may fall into the category of janitors, maintenance folks, hospitality and the like, but our job is necessary and important! The “tool” part of my thinking came about as I searched the ‘junk-drawer’ (come on!  I know everyone has one of these…I’m not alone!) for a screwdriver to tighten a screw that had come loose on a cabinet door.  During my search, I found a pair of pliers, a wrench, some needle-nose pliers….  And finally, I found a screwdriver!  But alas, it had the wrong tip on it!  Even tools that look the same, upon closer examination are different and are used for SPECIFIC jobs. So, what is my point here?  Well…God wants us all to know that even though we may look the same…we are all human, we eat, sleep, cry, laugh, walk, talk…pretty much the same way, but each of us is unique.  God gave special gifts to us that only we can wield in His perfection to do His will! You can’t use a Phillips screwdriver on a slotted screw!  You have to use the right tool in order to get the correct result! This is just a reminder, and an encouragement to all of us Believers, myself included, to remember what kind of tool we are; and if we don’t yet know…this is an urgent message for us to go to God and find out!  God can’t use you or the gifts He placed in you until YOU KNOW what kind of tool you are! Then, when He goes looking through the drawer for a specific tool to use…if you’re it, be sure to shout out…”Here I am Lord!  Use me!” 

The ONLY Reason…

By: Anita Mondragon
Why are you here?  In this time period of the world, I mean?  
I’ve asked myself these questions many times.  Why here, in this country?  Why now?  Why in this state?  Why in THIS neighborhood?
My 13 year old son asked me this question this morning as he heard his dad and I discuss the state of the world.  We were watching the news and heard of more shootings, suicides and chaos.  We posed the question to each other with no hope of an answer ….  “What is this world coming to?”  Then the answer came…”an end…it’s coming to an end!”
My son said, “I wish I hadn’t had to live in this time.”  
We’ve all thought or said this as we’ve wished for the days of the past when the world was a kinder place to live.  When folks didn’t have to lock their doors.  When kids could play outside until dark and walk home safely by themselves without fear of being taken.  When murder was uncommon.  When abortion was unheard of.  When suicide rarely took place.  When folks looked out for each other and helped one another.   But those days are gone, never to return again until Jesus comes and changes things!
I told my son, “but we must remember WHY we are here, right NOW, in THIS time and place.”  You see, we all have a purpose.  We may be the only witness to those around us.  We may be the only light in the dark.  We may be the only person to tell someone of Jesus and His love. Wouldn’t it be glorious when you get to Heaven to have some unknown person run up to you and say, “I wouldn’t be here, if it wasn’t for you!  I’m only here because I saw Jesus in you!”
Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus stepped down from His throne in Glory to become a man in this world.  He didn’t come as an all-knowing being-although He was.  He didn’t show up in pomp and splendor-although He was, and is the King of Heaven.  He came as a baby, needing His mother’s help in everything.  He came in a manger, surrounded by smelly farm animals.  He came that way so that He could experience everything mankind experiences.  As a child, I’m sure He fell and scraped His knee.  As He learned to be a carpenter, I’m sure He hit His thumb a few times.  He felt pain.  He endured sickness.  He went through everything we go through.  He did it for ONE REASON ONLY, and that was to SEEK and to SAVE that, which is lost-namely, mankind!
He went back to Heaven, and we are now responsible to be the light, share the truth, bring people to Him.
Are we doing that?  Are we kind?  Loving?  Generous? Helpful?  Are we showing the JESUS that now lives in us to this dying, sinful world? 
                                                                    It’s the ONLY REASON we are this place!

One Response to “Forgiven- A Daily Devotional”

  1. Anita says:

    What a great prayer! As Believers, this is the kind of stuff we should be seeking God for on a daily basis!
    Thanks for the reminder sister Francine!

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