By: Anita Mondragon
There’s a commercial on TV put on by a Life Insurance company. I’m sure you’ve all heard it at least a hundred times by now. It goes like this:
I would have called today, but… I could have called today, but… I should have called today, but… Would have. Could have. Should have. We hear that all the time…
I believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit hear that all the time as well. I’m sure those words will echo through the corridors of Heaven on Judgement Day! The conversation heard on that day may sound a lot like this:
“Hi. I’m Jesus, the Son of God. I, my Father and the Holy Spirit offered eternal life insurance to all of mankind. Sometimes, the call for this insurance was never made because of life being so busy. There were many excuses given for not making the call; but, before you all realized, much time had passed, and now as you stand before me, regret has set in. Some folks did call while there was still time, and they all say the same thing…”I wish I had called sooner!” They are the blessed one’s that get to inherit this eternal life. But, sadly, the same does not hold true for you. The day of Mercy has passed, and the offer of eternal life cannot be offered to you. The time has passed.”
Every one I know that has called on the name of Jesus for salvation, has been given this eternal life! They live a life of blessing. They are glad, relieved, and very thankful that they called on the Lord. They have permanent protection, and have no regrets.
Would you like to live a blessed life like this? A life undaunted by the worry of what the future holds for you? You don’t have to regret what you didn’t do yesterday! Call now and say YES to the urging of the Holy Spirit! Jesus said, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”-2 Cor. 6:2
For a life insurance that can NEVER be cancelled, call: 1-800-Jesus save me!