Words Unto The Lord

by Anita Mondragon
“And it shall come to pass, that BEFORE they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”  Isaiah 65:24

A few years back, our family was going through some very hard financial times.  We were being spiritually attacked on all sides from the enemy, and it seemed he would not let up on us for a moment.  I wrote a series of ‘words unto the Lord’ at that time.  This is the second one of that series.

1 How long oh Lord will the riches of the world be held in the hands of those whose hearts are far from you?

2 Rain down your blessings upon me oh Lord that I may be a blessing to others.

3 Put gold into my hands that I may sow into your Kingdom, oh God!

4 The wicked pray perverse things over me and curse me with their words.

5 Avenge me oh God!

6 I dress in my armor daily; the helmet of salvation never leaves my head.  I take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit for protection from the evil one.  The belt of truth has kept me pure in your sight. The breast-plate of your righteousness covers me.

7 I willingly put on the shoes of peace to walk where you direct and share the Gospel of your love to all.

8 Put the riches of the world into my hands that I may further your Kingdom and spread the news of the Cross to a dying world!

9 I know you will deliver me…I know you will provide.

10 I lay my head down to rest, but sleep is far from me.

11 The noise of the wicked dance through my mind; their words taunt my dreams.

12 Close the mouths of the wicked Lord!  Place your mighty hand over their mouths and hush their incessant railings against me!

13 Place your foot on their necks as you did the head of Satan; for they truly are in one accord with him.

14 Let me hear only your voice, oh Lord, for I am of the sheep of YOUR pasture!


15 YOU are my Good Shepherd, my God, my Friend.  I WILL TRUST IN YOU!

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