By Mark Hays
I walked this life a far from perfect man,
made many mistakes almost any way you can;
I’ve fallen short of the glory of God,
I’ve dwelled on these things which led me to trod;
To a nation called Condemn
Made up of all my faults, each residents,
that remind me of my sin,
all coming together for victory,
attacking me from within;
they whispered to me in my center,
also known as my soul,
every day reminding me of how I failed the goal;
of living for Christ and striving for His upward call,
I let this nation have power over me,
I didn’t see how it could fall;
But then Jesus sent His Spirit of life to set me free,
and He spoke there is no condemnation in He;
This spoke to me and I looked back no more,
I went to live with Him when He opened up the door;
Yes, the nation of Condemn is still there with their laws of sin and death,
but now they have no power, no breath;
they occasionally still try to call me back, but I don’t need the call,
I found a better voice,
because my Savior’s voice is all;
Now His Spirit whispers to me,
the words I need to hear,
words of conviction and love,
these words I hold dear.