By: Anita Mondragon
Why are you here? In this time period of the world, I mean?
I’ve asked myself these questions many times. Why here, in this country? Why now? Why in this state? Why in THIS neighborhood?
My 13 year old son asked me this question this morning as he heard his dad and I discuss the state of the world. We were watching the news and heard of more shootings, suicides and chaos. We posed the question to each other with no hope of an answer …. “What is this world coming to?” Then the answer came…”an end…it’s coming to an end!”
My son said, “I wish I hadn’t had to live in this time.”
We’ve all thought or said this as we’ve wished for the days of the past when the world was a kinder place to live. When folks didn’t have to lock their doors. When kids could play outside until dark and walk home safely by themselves without fear of being taken. When murder was uncommon. When abortion was unheard of. When suicide rarely took place. When folks looked out for each other and helped one another. But those days are gone, never to return again until Jesus comes and changes things!
I told my son, “but we must remember WHY we are here, right NOW, in THIS time and place.” You see, we all have a purpose. We may be the only witness to those around us. We may be the only light in the dark. We may be the only person to tell someone of Jesus and His love. Wouldn’t it be glorious when you get to Heaven to have some unknown person run up to you and say, “I wouldn’t be here, if it wasn’t for you! I’m only here because I saw Jesus in you!”
Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus stepped down from His throne in Glory to become a man in this world. He didn’t come as an all-knowing being-although He was. He didn’t show up in pomp and splendor-although He was, and is the King of Heaven. He came as a baby, needing His mother’s help in everything. He came in a manger, surrounded by smelly farm animals. He came that way so that He could experience everything mankind experiences. As a child, I’m sure He fell and scraped His knee. As He learned to be a carpenter, I’m sure He hit His thumb a few times. He felt pain. He endured sickness. He went through everything we go through. He did it for ONE REASON ONLY, and that was to SEEK and to SAVE that, which is lost-namely, mankind!
He went back to Heaven, and we are now responsible to be the light, share the truth, bring people to Him.
Are we doing that? Are we kind? Loving? Generous? Helpful? Are we showing the JESUS that now lives in us to this dying, sinful world?
It’s the ONLY REASON we are here… this place!