By Anita Mondragon
I have been thinking a lot about God’s mercy lately…how deep, and wide His love and grace reach. Even though I was brought up in a Pastor’s home, and heard about Jesus, I strayed far, far from that truth for a long time. When I finally came to the end of myself, I wondered if there was any mercy left for me…or if I had somehow exhausted the longsuffering of God. The other day, as I sat pondering, and remembering how many times He has rescued me, I wrote this poem. Thank God for His mercy and grace!
Oh! What mercy! …Can it be,
that there’s still mercy left for me?
Me, who spurned God’s love and grace,
and through sin, spit in His face;
I would not listen to His call,
yet, He stood and wept each time I’d fall.
He stands there still…wounded hands outstretched,
Calling out to me… “Just come…repent!”
“My mercy is great! There’s enough for you!
Just trust in me, for my promise is true!”
Oh Lord, I come on bended knee,
and beg you pour Your grace on me!
Forgive my vile and wretched soul…
let me believe and sin no more!
Oh! Hallelujah! I plainly see…