By: Anita Mondragon
There used to be a popular song out when I was younger. It was called, Born to be wild. If you’re in my age group, you most likely remember it. But God says in His Word, that we are all born for a purpose…and I’m sure, it’s not to be wild! We are to bring glory and honor to God, our Creator.
I was watching a movie the other day and heard this statement: “…Look at them…You’re going to die for them????” The answer came back in a whisper…. “I was born for them so that I could die for them. It’s the only reason I’m here…”
After hearing that, I began thinking about the Cross and how Jesus died for us. He KNEW why He was born-even before He came to earth to be born in a manger. He knew His purpose. He knew every thing that He would have to endure in order to bring us to Heaven. He knew it all, even before the foundation of the world…and He created us anyway! I have a hard time trying to fathom that kind of love. He knew how wayward we’d be. He knew how rebellious we’d be. He knew every sin that mankind would commit…how we would scoff at His Word…how He’d be beaten, mocked, stripped naked, nailed to a Cross, and even how His Father, God Almighty would have to turn away…but He created us anyway; and He loved us SO much that He was willing to die so that we could live with Him forever!
How can we continue in our sin knowing all of this? How can we even think that we are happy doing what is wrong?
It’s time to ask ourselves, “WHAT WAS I BORN FOR?”
God has a purpose for each and every person that comes into the world. Maybe it’s to be a doctor and save human life. Maybe a scientist and come up with a cure for all the ailments of this world. Perhaps an artist that sees God’s beauty and puts it on canvas. Maybe a missionary or a preacher that brings the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Perhaps you have an extraordinary voice and are to be a Worship leader. Whatever your talent…God will show you if you ask Him. But if you are a born again Believer…whatever your occupation, your main purpose is to tell others about this wonderous love of Jesus Christ, and bring them to the Cross.
Are you ready to fulfil your purpose? Then ask God, “What was I born for? What is MY purpose?” When He shows you…Live it, every day!