By Anita Mondragon
It’s amazing what just a hint of sunlight can do in changing our perspective of things! Fall and winter are upon us here in Colorado. Soon the heat and the sunny days will be few as the snow arrives. It will be dark and cold, and gloomy as the rain and snow pass through.
At these times, I like to place my chair close to the fireplace, wrap myself in fleece and try to stay warm! I’ve recently realized that sunlit days, long hours of daylight and warm Summer breezes are coming to an end. When I crawl out of my warm blankets, I find the house is chilly now.
I got up early this morning and saw light on the horizon. Dark clouds were in the distance, but the brightness of the light seemed to over power them. I thought about the dark, cold, gloomy days in my past; days when I could not seem to find the SON, or feel His warm presence. Days when I let my worries, anxieties, anxious thoughts and depression cloud my world. If I could have just remembered in my hour of despair to fall on my knees in prayer…I would have found the SON, and felt His warmth!
It’s cool today, but I’m thankful for the bit of light I see outside my window! The sun has risen in the sky now. It is behind one of those dark clouds, shinning through, making it silver. I know God’s light can shine through my darkness and give my life silver linings!
The light and love of God can make anything beautiful!