By Art Herrera
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord Shall Be Saved” (Acts 2:21).
There are three important truths in this verse. The first is that “whosoever” shall call on the Lord and be saved.
The second thing the verse tells us is that we don’t have to have perfect faith or the faith of a Daniel—our faith in Jesus must be simple enough to “call upon” Jesus and then we are saved. BUT please note that the verse does not tell us that we must call upon Jesus in addition to other things.
Lastly, God is telling us that when we call upon the Lord, we “SHALL be saved,” not that we might be saved or may be saved. And He’s not saying that we will be saved if we do enough good works. Praise God, this verse tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord SHALL be saved!
Have you invited Jesus Christ into your heart, if not what’s stopping you? You could pray this simple yet sincere prayer inviting Jesus into your heart. “Jesus, the door of my heart is open and I invite you to come in, forgive me of all my sins and wash me clean in Jesus Mighty Name.”
If you prayed that prayer, I welcome you to the family of God. You can also contact us to speak with a counselor/pastor