Here is an Easter poem I wrote back in January of 2008. I was thinking about the events that took place; I closed my eyes and thought about the day of the Crucifixion…and then the Resurrection; how the earth itself mourned the death of the Creator.
This is a little on the abstract side of writing. It’s a story of a flower that awakens early in the Spring, only to find she’s been moved from the garden to the hill of Golgotha and is about to witness the Crucifixion of her Creator.
Tremble before Him all the earth! Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad and let them say, “The Lord reigns!” Let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant and everything in them. Then the trees of the forest will sing…they will sing for joy before the Lord. – I Chron. 16:30-33
The naked trees sleep peacefully through the long Winters night.
The flowers sleep also, as they dream of Spring
When the sky will be blue, and the grass will turn green.
Then Spring dons her bright robe of emerald-green,
As nature awakens from her long, cold dream.
Lily stretches and yawns, then bursts forth through warm ground.
As birds upon wing, their sweet songs resound.
She’s looking for Daffodil, Violet, and Rose
In the garden so fair where they slept in repose.
But to her complete dismay, she awakes all alone
To the snap of a whip, and a shuddering moan.
She’s not in the garden…she’s been moved, far away
To a desolate hill, where the sky’s turning gray.
Two men hang already, on crosses nearby
For crimes they’ve committed, they’ve been sentenced to die.
Bewildered, and shaken, Lily looks all around
Then she turns to the right as she hears a loud sound.
Another man with a cross, trudges slow up the hill;
His face soft and kind, yet determination of steel.
He walks with a purpose, despising the shame…
But He was born for this moment; it’s the only reason He came!
He stops for a moment, and looks in Lily’s direction.
His gaze focused full, soft eyes make a connection.
Why! She knows this man! Its Jesus, The King…
The Creator of all…even her! Everything!
How could this happen? What could He have done?
And, what’s wrong with those soldiers? Don’t they know He’s God’s Son?
She knows He is innocent of all He’s accused,
Yet He’s broken and battered…He’s beaten and bruised!
His eyes are all-knowing as He searches her heart.
He knows every room there, every secret, each part!
He knows she’s bewildered, confused, and afraid
By the things that she’s seen. Her mind is reeling, and dazed.
So He bends down, fingers touching her petals so pure…
And in His eyes, she can see, Mankind’s long needed cure!
One drop of His blood falls, and stains her robe of pure white;
Then He picks up His cross and willingly marches towards His plight.
She marvels at His will…His tolerance, so great!
Why! He could call 10,000 angels to come to His aide!
But He takes every jeer, every slap – all the loss;
He’s determined to die…up there, on that cross!
And as He hangs there, stripped naked between Heaven and earth,
He cries, “Father! Forgive them, for they don’t know My worth!”
He says, “It is finished. What is lost, shall be found!”
Then He closes His eyes; Lily hears no other sound.
Then Nature mournfully speaks out loud, as the trees bow themselves to the ground;
The Sky cries great tears, for the Creator is gone…God’s Son, has kept His vow!
The Earth shudders, and shakes.
Lightening flashes, Thunder breaks.
The Sun is black now, and refuses to shine;
And the Wind, mourns and howls and plaintively whines!
As Lily stands all alone, she takes the scene in…
The Creator, God’s only Son, has died for all of man’s sin!
Night soon draws neigh, as Lily waits in the dark.
She sees them take His body down, and watches them depart.
She hears He’s been buried in a rich man’s borrowed tomb;
The all is quiet, she’s all alone, hoping morning will break soon.
Three days have passed, and the Sun just rose.
He’s been entombed, in quiet repose.
But a new day has dawned!
The victory over death has been won!
For a voice calls out, ringing loud and clear…
It falls ever joyous on Lily’s ear!
“He has risen…Just like He said! He is alive…no longer dead!
He has for sin with blood atoned, now sits with God on rightful throne!”
All the flowers of the field rejoice, for a new day is born.
There’s no time for sadness…that time, has gone!
He was dead…Now He lives! Earth, bless His name!
Praise God, for sinful man He came!