By Anita Mondragon
“For God SO LOVED the world, that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16

I have decided to follow Jesus…no turning back…no turning back! -Unknown

I received a catalog in the mail today…
YOU’RE PRE-APPROVED!  BUY NOW-PAY LATER The cover was striking!  It bore my name with some advice: Save your credit cards for other things – you’re pre-approved for ***** credit! There was also an ominous sticker below that read: LAST CHANCE:  We don’t want to bother you with unwanted catalogs.  This could be your FINAL CATALOG.  Please order TODAY to receive future editions! Payments as low as $20 per month.
Now, let me say…I’m not usually sucked in too easily by that kind of stuff, but it was packaged so attractively, and presented so well, that I have to admit…it looked pretty tempting! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I hear people all the time ask for the blessings of God…I daresay I’ve done it myself a few times.  Nothing wrong with that, except most of the time, we crave the blessings-the PRESENTS more than the actual PRESENCE of God.  There’s something about our flesh that desires the material things of this world more than the unseen indwelling of God with us.  
Have you ever found yourself in deep thought of God and His goodness?  You begin to thank Him for the big things in your life, you know…your health, your job, your house, your car….  Then you move to the “small” things, the things we take for-granted, like our next breath…  Read more…


By Anita Mondragon

I wrote this a few years back…
This morning, I stood at the open door of our house, seeing my husband off to work. As I waved and threw kisses, I noticed how crisp and clean the air was as I gulped in the goodness of God. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, and the distant farmhouse became a silhouette against the blazing orange! As if that were not enough for my eyes to behold, the birds in the near-by trees burst into song like a glorious choir. One lone Turtle Dove sat perched on the neighbor’s roof and began cooing his praise like a solo part. That’s when I was reminded of some verses in Psalm 150:1-6 They say:

Praise God in his holy house of worship,
praise him under the open skies; Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
One day, while in prayer for my children, God gave me this poem.  I hope it encourages all of you “mamas” out there.  Never give up!  Keep on going to war and pray for your children!
The most violent battles that are ever fought,
Do you know who fights them and when?
In history books, you will find them not,
For they’re fought by the mothers of men.
Not with tanks, guns, or swords
Like in wars of today; Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I was just making our nightly cup of coffee when I busted out laughing. My husband yelled from the living room, “what’s so funny?” I yelled back, “if you’re ever looking for the Milano cookies, you’ll find ‘em right next to my SlimFast carb cutter pills!”
Oh my gosh! no wonder I can’t get rid of this weight!
That happened last night. It was funny at first, but then I looked at it in a Spiritual light, and it wasn’t so amusing then.
You see, I have this secret place where I hide things…so we don’t overeat. It’s my secret stash of goodies…my place of indulgence. But God showed me that I do the same thing in my personal walk with Him. We all have a place like that. We have good intentions, but sometimes the flesh gets the best of us and instead of reaching out to God in prayer, we go ahead and do things that please the flesh. Read more…


By Michael Mondragon
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift!” -2 Cor. 9:15
If I could leave one thing to you,
Riches of this world, just would not do.
A beautiful home would be so nice…
But security and money would not suffice.
So, if I may…I give to you
The gift of Jesus, to see you through!


By Michael Mondragon
“For you, Lord are good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy to all them that call on you.” -Psalm 86:5
Your mercy shown to me at the cross,
Your love rescued me from my loss.
Ever grateful, hands lifted…
Seeking Your mercy and grace.
My voice praising, ever thankful.
I’m always seeking Your face!
I praise…I praise! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
Life has many paths.  Some are straight and smooth…others are steep and rocky.
As I look back over my own trek, I find that my attitude and response to the situations I faced, made all the difference in the world!  
The straight and smooth paths I walked were only that way because I asked Jesus to accompany me.  My steep and rocky climbs in life were a consequence of traveling alone…without Him! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
“Cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you.”  1 Peter 5:7
Remember the story of Mary Magdalene in the Bible?  ….
Jesus was invited to the home of Simon the Pharisee for dinner.  Simon no doubt wanted to boast of his religious purity.  The presence of Jesus was only requested so that he could later tell his friends that Jesus had been his dinner guest.
But, as God would have it, a prostitute showed up…uninvited!  Most of us know the rest of the story…. Read more…

Victory Over Condemn – Nation

By Mark Hays
I walked this life a far from perfect man,
made many mistakes almost any way you can;
I’ve fallen short of the glory of God,
I’ve dwelled on these things which led me to trod;
To a nation called Condemn
Made up of all my faults, each residents,
that remind me of my sin,

Read more…