By Anita Mondragon
I was just making our nightly cup of coffee when I busted out laughing. My husband yelled from the living room, “what’s so funny?” I yelled back, “if you’re ever looking for the Milano cookies, you’ll find ‘em right next to my SlimFast carb cutter pills!”
Oh my gosh! no wonder I can’t get rid of this weight!
That happened last night. It was funny at first, but then I looked at it in a Spiritual light, and it wasn’t so amusing then.
You see, I have this secret place where I hide things…so we don’t overeat. It’s my secret stash of goodies…my place of indulgence. But God showed me that I do the same thing in my personal walk with Him. We all have a place like that. We have good intentions, but sometimes the flesh gets the best of us and instead of reaching out to God in prayer, we go ahead and do things that please the flesh. Read more…


By Michael Mondragon
“For you, Lord are good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy to all them that call on you.” -Psalm 86:5
Your mercy shown to me at the cross,
Your love rescued me from my loss.
Ever grateful, hands lifted…
Seeking Your mercy and grace.
My voice praising, ever thankful.
I’m always seeking Your face!
I praise…I praise! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
Life has many paths.  Some are straight and smooth…others are steep and rocky.
As I look back over my own trek, I find that my attitude and response to the situations I faced, made all the difference in the world!  
The straight and smooth paths I walked were only that way because I asked Jesus to accompany me.  My steep and rocky climbs in life were a consequence of traveling alone…without Him! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
“Cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you.”  1 Peter 5:7
Remember the story of Mary Magdalene in the Bible?  ….
Jesus was invited to the home of Simon the Pharisee for dinner.  Simon no doubt wanted to boast of his religious purity.  The presence of Jesus was only requested so that he could later tell his friends that Jesus had been his dinner guest.
But, as God would have it, a prostitute showed up…uninvited!  Most of us know the rest of the story…. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I know this question in regards to my testimony and walk with God should be asked by me on a daily basis, but it seems I usually wait until some dire circumstance occurs in my life before I even think about such things.  Am I alone in this??  I don’t think so.
You see, we all tend to forget the important stuff-the stuff regarding God because when things are going well, we think we have the world by the tail…and we’re good.  We believe-unconsciously that we don’t need God, or His help…  
I’m remembering a Christmas party we went to a couple of years ago.  Read more…

Fear or Draw Near

By Mark Hays
When the seas rage,
Do you weep or sleep?
Is your mind on the storm,
causing you to mourn,
your rough situation,
and feel your limitations
or is your mind on the Lord, Read more…

Victory Over Condemn – Nation

By Mark Hays
I walked this life a far from perfect man,
made many mistakes almost any way you can;
I’ve fallen short of the glory of God,
I’ve dwelled on these things which led me to trod;
To a nation called Condemn
Made up of all my faults, each residents,
that remind me of my sin,

Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
Do you wake up with worry on your mind, and fall asleep the same way?
Do you have giants in your life that you feel you face alone?
Are there monsters in your soul that try to take control?
Are you taunted with folks you can’t seem to please?
Do you find it hard to face your future because of your past mistakes?
If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, be sure…there is a solution!  Read more…

Breathe My Name

By Anita Mondragon
Well, we are back from our short little vacation.  It was awe-inspiring!  The scenery down in the San Luis Valley is unbelievable!!  You always hear about Montana being ‘the big sky country’…well, I’m here to tell you that I’ve never seen so much sky as I did on this trip! I really needed this, and didn’t even know how much until I tried to take it all in.
While on this jaunt, we stayed at a motel with a pool.  Our son loves frolicking in the water, and he’s getting pretty good at swimming.  Read more…

The Boat

By Unknown
My husband, Mike saw this on Facebook and passed it along.  Good advice that we should all pay heed to!  There was no name to accompany the post…
The Boat…
A certain man was offered a job to paint a small fishing boat. He earnestly brought his paint and brushes from his workshop and began to paint the boat a bright red, just as the owner asked him.
While painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and upon surveying the damage, he quietly repaired it.
When he finished painting, he notified the owner of the completed paint job, received his money and left.
The next day, the owner of the boat returned to the paint shop and came to the painter and presented him with a nice check, which was much higher in addition to the payment for the original painting job. Read more…