by Anita Mondragon
“Even when you are old, I will be the same.  Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you.  I made you and will take care of you.  I will carry you and save you.”  Isaiah 46:4
 This predicament I seem to be in has been on my mind for a few years now.  When your parents have died, and all your aunts and uncles have joined them, you realize how frail life can be. 
Then the ravages of time start catching up with YOU…it seems that Miss Clairol and Max Factor have become two of your best friends!  You dye your hair now because you have to…not because you want a ‘new’ look!  You try to cover up the new wrinkles that appear every day.  You realize your youth has faded.  What’s that old song…”The Old Gray Mare, she ain’t what she used to be….?  Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
He was more talkative than usual as he climbed the stairs to bed.  Something was bothering him, I just wasn’t sure what it was. We said our bed-time prayers, turned on his favorite story of “Narnia”, and said our “good-nights”.

I had just drifted off to sleep, my body and mind finally relaxing.  Suddenly, I was awakened to sobs of terror coming from his room.  Hurriedly, I ran across the hall, threw open the door, and went to his side.  He was shaking, tears running down his face uncontrollably!  I held him close as I sat on the edge of his bed and asked,

“What’s wrong?” Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such things there is no law.”  Galatians 5:22 & 23
It was almost Spring.  The air was cool and crisp as I walked through the woods. The dead, decaying leaves of the previous Fall still lay ankle-deep on the forest floor.

Looking up at the almost naked trees, I could see new life trying to come forth.  Small green buds were popping out of the branches, pushing off the last dead clinging leaves.  The trees would soon be in full bloom…lush…green…beautiful! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
In this day and age, the devil has many attractive devices to distract us from our real purpose.  He offers these things and demands nothing from us but our time.  
The thing we all fail to understand is that when a moment is gone…it’s gone for good.  There is power in a moment.  A smile, a friendly glance, a mere “Hello!” can change the course of someone’s outcome. That moment could stop a person from committing suicide.  


By Anita Mondragon
We have a friend that came down with the virus.  They put him in the hospital and he needed to be on a respirator so he could breathe.  In order to do this, he was put into an induced coma.  He remained this way for three weeks.  As his condition improved, they decided he no longer needed the respirator.  However, he was not responding and remained in a comatose state.
A call for prayer was requested.  No matter what was done, there was no response from our friend.  He was breathing but seemed lifeless.  The night the call for prayer came, I woke myself up a few times calling his name aloud in my sleep.  I recalled the story of Lazarus in the Bible…how Jesus went to his tomb and called out his name.  I earnestly prayed that God Himself would call out the name of my friend and wake him from his sleep. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I was watching a movie the other night and the question was posed, “Who are you?”
Let’s put that into a Spiritual application, and let’s ask ourselves, “Who are we …really?”  We’ve all ‘played’ at church and the Christian life.  We got tired and weary and wanted to quit.  Some of us did.  Some of us stopped going to church, reading our Bible, witnessing to others; in fact, most of the world would never recognize us as a Christian.  Perhaps some of us attended church and were even active in it as teachers, ushers, deacons, etc.  Some of us may even have been pastors at one time.  But we’ve laid all that aside for a normal life. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
Do you ever watch these crime movies where the good guy and the bad guy are shooting it out?  The bullets are flying, the good guys are winning…and then it happens.  The good guy’s gun is empty, and the bad guys are advancing from behind!  This scene reminds me of the Christian life.  
Sometimes we as Christians ‘go after’ the devil on our own.  We fail to call on the Lord for help.  We go off half cocked, and end up pointing an empty gun in the devil’s face.  He sneers as we stand in defeat and asks, “Where’s the magazine?”  The humiliation continues as he declares, “Your gun is empty!  You have no bullets!”  And his imps begin surrounding us on all sides.
Most Christians assume they are armed to the teeth, but be assured, the devil knows if there are bullets in your gun or not!
You see, we as Believers have access to the full armor of God, but rarely are we wearing all of it!   Those of us that are wearing it, still have no idea of how to use it.  Most of us have laid our armor down.  When the Christian life got hard, and trials came, we began to shed our armor.  Oh, we kept the helmet of Salvation because we want to go to heaven, but we have taken off the rest of the armor one piece at a time.  
With most of us, the Belt of Truth was the first to go.  The Bible says, “Thy Word is Truth…”, but most of our Bibles are collecting dust because they’re never opened.  
And the Breast Plate of Righteousness …well, that got tossed aside because we didn’t want to be known as,  ‘the do-gooder’,  ‘the Bible-thumper’, ‘Mr. perfect’…and the list of names go on.  Most of us don’t even go to church anymore.  We are AWOL…absent without leave! 
The Gospel of Peace got kicked to the curb because, after all…we have to stand up for ourselves…we have ‘rights’ too!  We can’t be door mats and allow folks to walk all over us!  Surely that’s not what Jesus meant when He said, the meek would inherit the earth!   
 We pick up the Shield of Faith sometimes, but only when it regards having faith for someone else.  It’s kind of like us having faith that Jesus will take us to heaven because we’ve asked Him to, but we can’t trust Him with our tithe….
We rarely pick up the Sword of the Spirit because we diminish the seriousness of the battle we are in.  We forget that we are soldiers in the army of God-fighting against satan!
Any soldier will tell you that you cannot go to war with an empty gun!  If you point a gun at the enemy, you better have it loaded and KNOW how to use it!
Be ready!  Be sober!  Be vigilant!  
Because your adversary…your enemy, the devil goes about as a roaring lion and he’s seeking whom he may devour…gobble up…eat alive. (The Bible-I paraphrased)
If you don’t want to be the devils supper, pick up your Bible, walk in the Righteousness of God, proclaim the Gospel of Truth, keep your Faith in God, and keep ahold of your Sword-and fight with the power of the Spirit.  Remember, you are in the battle of the ages!  You’re in the fight for the souls of men! 
Now put on your armor and run to the fight!  Lock and Load!


by Anita Mondragon
I admit it.  I take full ownership for my past deeds.  I AM GUILTY!
Sometimes these words to an offended one are not sufficient.  They can’t or won’t forgive the wrong done to them.  They hold it close to their heart like something dear.  They wallow in the bitterness it brings and refuse to let it go.  They are not only imprisoned by it, they are shackled to the wall of unforgiveness and cannot progress to another plane in life.  They carry it around like a ball and chain, peering through the prison bars, seeing what should have been, but never glimpsing what could be right now.
We’ve all been there, hopefully for only a short time.  But when you dwell on the wrongs done to you in life, you can hear the enemy whisper to you, and beckon you to enter that dark dungeon of despair and bitterness.  If you listen too long, you’ll find yourself in that deep, dark pit.  The enemy will convince you that you have experienced enough hurt so you belong there along with the other victims of abuse and betrayal. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I’ve lost many loved ones in the past.  I think about them often…but they have gone on to be with Jesus.  These thoughts are what inspired the following poem.

I still feel the pangs of loneliness from time to time, and, yes…even regret at things I failed to tell them while they were here; things that would have meant the world to them to hear.  Like, “I love you so much!” … or, “I’m sorry that I hurt you!”  I know they are in a wonderful place, and all the bad things, sad things that happened here on earth are far from their minds now.

I wrote this poem for those loved ones that I leave behind.  I don’t want them to be sad at what was said or not said…what was done, or not done.  I want them to know that I have gone on to be with Jesus.  I want them to know that they can see me again if they will just call on HIS name and ask for forgiveness.

I hope to see you there!

When you stand before my grave,

And hear birds in the trees nearby;

When the Spring morning shakes her rain-drenched hair above, Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
How many times in your life have you felt like ‘throwin in the sponge’, giving up, ‘kickin’ the bucket’?  I know I’ve been there many times in the past.  
Life is hard when you try to do it all on your own!  That’s why Jesus said to cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you!  He can do what we can’t do.  He can change an impossible situation into a beautiful thing!  He can bring joy into a sorrowful event.  He can comfort you when you are in despair.