Woman of Faith

By Marc Hays
She knows her Lord and Savior
she talks with Him
pleas with Him
puts her trust in Him
she seeks the Lord in all matters
She prays for strength
to be strong
for those she loves
She strives
fully and selflessly
for those she loves
She hopes
and seeks the best
for those she loves
She sacrifices
to lift up Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
Just off I-70, here in Colorado, stands a warehouse turned dispensary called, The Green Solution.  Its very name suggests that whatever ailment you possess…they have the solution …the cure for all of your problems.
However, their solution is only temporary.  It only lasts for a short while.  Once the effects of the drug, Marijuana wears off, your problems are back and as big as ever.  Your anxiety is still there.  Your depression…still there.  Loneliness?… Yep!  It’s still there.
So if I could have a moment of your time, I’d like to talk to you about The Red Solution. Read more…


By Mark Hays
I’ve walked through the valley of the shadow of death,
Been in situations where I couldn’t catch my breath;
Had fears, like shadows, follow me wherever I go
Searched far and wide for something to ease my soul,
Until one day I found this Shepherd, a man from Galilee,
Who said leave everything behind and follow Me; Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
How many times have you heard someone say, “I was born for this!”?  I know I’ve said it a time or two myself when I found out I was good at something.  Folks have even written songs pertaining to this very subject…  Remember, “Born To Be Wild”-Steppenwolf, released in June of 1968?  If you remember the 60’s, I believe almost everyone thought they were born to be wild.  But there was another man born for a greater purpose about 2,000 years ago!
I was watching a movie the other night. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “Life is like a box of chocolates…”  Well, I’m here to tell you that the Christian life is like a jar of jelly….
There’s a promise in the Bible that says: “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil.  He shall preserve thy soul” -Psalm 121:7
Did you notice?  It says from ALL evil. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I was talking with one of my cousins the other night and found out that another cousin of mine had passed away.  I was shocked and sad in my heart at the news.  As we spoke, I was reminded that we should rejoice, for she was a believer and just went home to be with the Lord.  She is no longer sick or in pain.  She has seen the face of our Dear Redeemer!  This conversation reminded me of something I wrote back in 2014….  It goes like this, and it’s called,  HOME. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
As I watch movies, the Lord really speaks to me and gives me a Spiritual perception as to what is being said.  I was watching a Robin Hood movie yesterday.  At one point, he and his men were going to go against the evil sheriff of Nottingham.  He made this statement to bolster the men in their resolve-for they were few in comparison.  He said, “Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.”  
Immediately this brought a Scripture to mind. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
Remember that old song by the Rolling Stones?  –  “I can’t get no satisfaction.”  Well, that has been a picture of the world for quite some time now, and it’s even worse in these present days!  Now that we’re locked up in our homes due to the virus, we are finding ourselves miserable.  Things we did before when we felt unsatisfied, we can no longer do.  Going out to eat when we want to, shopping, going to the mountains, visiting parks, going on vacation…the list goes on.  Truth is, these outings were/are nothing but bandages!  They do not ‘heal’ our wanton condition, they merely cover it up for a short time.  It’s like the alcoholic…the next drink is not the cure.  Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
Last night, as my youngest and I said our bedtime prayers, we went through the usual things in our prayers.  I got him into bed, and put myself to bed…started to drift off into slumber, and was awakened by a small hand on my shoulder gently shaking me.  A quiet voice whispered, “Mom…can we just thank God for all the good things He does for us?”  Well, that woke me up real fast I can tell you!  I said, “Of course son!  Good idea!”  
As he knelt next to my bed, we began to pray.  He started first, saying one thing he was thankful for, Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
My youngest loves to play Tag, and Hide and go seek.  My son studies his options for the latter game.  He knows where to hide so that I can’t find him.  He’s tricked me quite a few times to where I finally give up, and he wins the game.  I was reminded of this last night when we played before bed.  
My husband on the other hand, loves to fish.  His equipment is always in tip-top shape, all in one place, and ever ready to go at the drop of a hat!
Some of you may be scratching your head and asking ‘why’ is she sharing this on a church blog. Read more…