by Bernice Sainz
It’s 6 am and I watch an ambulance drive away from my neighbors house. We live in a retirement community, no sirens, so nobody else knows what’s going on. God prompts me to go to their house. Lord, I really don’t know them. Again He prompts me. As I knock on the door a woman in her 80’s answers. I don’t even know her name. I introduce myself, she let’s me in and you can see the worry in her eyes. Her words were, I can’t even go to be with him, we go everywhere together. Read more…

A Square Peg and  A Round Hole

by Anita Mondragon
I found myself a little more than annoyed this morning when I was awakened by these words:  “You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole…”  This phrase played over and over in my mind like a stuck record.
I was in a sweet slumber, reveling in the warmth of my fuzzy blanket, when those words shattered my peace!  Finally I said out loud, “What are you talkin’ about Lord?”
Some of you may ask how I knew it was the Lord.  Well, that’s the way He talks to me.  My mind always has a million tasks I need to finish…a long list of things going through it at any given time, so God has to sound like a broken record before I hear Him.
That being said, the next words I heard were, “Get up and start writing.”  Read more…


by Art Herrera
Today at the gas station a man yelled at me using some very colorful language…! He said for me to use hand sanitizer that way I do not infect him and his wife with this virus that is going on. I didn’t see any hand sanitizer so I asked him to show me. He came over next to me really close and showed me where the sanitizer was attached. I pointed out to him that he was only two feet away from me and if one of us was infected now both of us are. The man asked me why I am so calm with all of this that is going on in our world. I told him I have great peace because God is the one that has given me the peace.


by Anita Mondragon
It seems that the world is in chaos.
Just a few short weeks ago, life was normal.  Everyday folks got up and did the same old thing.  Each day was just another day in paradise.
We got up at the same time, took showers, got dressed, grabbed a bite to eat on the run, dropped off the kids at school or daycare, got stuck in traffic, and finally made it to work just in the nick of time.  Some of us loved going to our jobs…most of us did not!  But we went nevertheless because it was the “norm”.
Then the virus hit. Read more…


by Anita Mondragon
As many of you know, my refrigerator is full of quotes, bible verses, and phrases that have changed my perspective about life.  The following is a quote by Chuck Swindoll.  At this time, when the world is in an uproar and life is uncertain, this particular quote surely fits the situation of our circumstances!  Take a look… 
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do.  It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.  It will make or break a company…a church…a home.  The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.  I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.  And so it is with you.  We are in charge of our attitude.” -Chuck Swindoll

What’s Next?

by Anita Mondragon
During this time of uncertainty, things look quite grim.  Nothing on the news but death, despair, pain, suffering, business after business closing, unemployment, food rationing…all BAD news…nothing good these days!  I’m sure we all at one time or another have momentairly become fearful, wondering “What’s next??”
But the Bible says in 2 Timothy 4:8,  “There is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord… will award to me on that day.” 
If you KNOW Jesus as your Lord and Savior, no matter what happens…you can welcome what comes next!  Don’t dwell on what is going on around you at this time.  Fix your eyes on what is eternal!  Then, TRUST God!   –
2 Corinthians 4:18 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Peace Be Still

by Anita Mondragon
During this time when the storms of life seem to be unending, we can call on Jesus to step into our situation and we WILL find peace! 
When on life’s stormy ocean
My ship’s tossed to and fro,
While sinking fast and drowning, 
He reminds me where to go.

No Need To Fear

by Anita Mondragon

I have been in self quarantine for a week or more and watching a lot of TV. The other day I was watching Lord of the Rings-Two Towers. When the evil armies were attacking Helms Deep, it looked as though evil was going to triumph over good,but then, out of no where, Gandalf and his armies come to the rescue and vanquished the evil foe! That’s when I remembered the following verses… It renewed my thinking to recall that the Lord is at my side…always! There is no need to fear!

Watching the news these last few days, I have found myself quoting the following chapter in Psalm aloud. Remember these words…fear not. Be at peace. “It will NOT come near you!”-Anita

The Message (MSG)


91 1-13 You who sit down in the High God’s presence,
spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow,
Say this: “God, you’re my refuge. Read more…

Unusual Times

by Clem Fitzsimmons
What if God has taken away the things that (we think) are so important to give us more of what we really need: Himself. The very Giver of life, the One who made everything (John 1:3) and in Whom ‘we live and move and have our being’ (Acts 17:28) knows what we need. Many times I have held regret over certain things not coming to pass in life, or have lamented certain things that have happened. I think most of us have.
This is a fallen world and a land this side of Heaven. And yet, I can’t help but wonder that if Christ is who He says He is, namely the Word, the One who made us and in Whom we have our being, then there must be no other Person who would know us and what it is we need like He does. Call on Him today, throw yourself on the mercy of God for He delights ‘to show mercy’ (Micah 7:18).


By Anita Mondragon

Some of you may be scratching your head right now saying, “Now…wait a minute!  I thought this was a Godly blog…” Read more…