Our Worship service at the Mission on Saturday was such a blessing! Praying for folks with all kinds of requests. I was amazed when I realized that none of them asked for prayer regarding their homeless estate. They were praying for others-family members, friends, strength to witness…it was a real eye-opener to me.
We that are not homeless, usually ask prayer for our “miserable” situation such as a job change because we hate the one we have, a better place to live, a more reliable car ….and the list goes on.
These folks however, are homeless. They have no job-but wish they did…ANY job; they live in the street, sleeping in door-ways, or beside dumpsters…or maybe a cardboard box; they have no car-reliable or otherwise…yet they were not asking prayer for themselves-only for others!
As happened last time we went, my little “Prayer Warrior” Joe, was standing next to me in the battle against Satan and his demons that seemed to overwhelm the room at times. I prayed for the last person in line, and when I opened my eyes-Joe was already out in the crowd of people praying for those that didn’t have the courage to get in line and ask for it.
I saw him walk up to someone and presumably ask them if he could pray for them. They shook their head no, so he patted them on the shoulder, and went on to the next row. He was undaunted in his quest to pray for those in need. The man who had been sitting next to the person that refused prayer, called Joe back to pray for him. He was a big biker looking dude. Joe grabbed both of his huge hands, knelt before him, and prayed. I wish I knew what he said in his prayer, for when he was finished, he rose, shook the man’s hand, patted him on the shoulder, and went looking for another person to pray for. As Joe walked away, I saw this rough-looking biker begin to wipe the tears from his eyes. He was sobbing now, and could not control the tears as they ran down his face. His countenance had changed. My “little David” had struck at least one of the giants in this man’s life with his prayers!
We as adults need to have that kind of faith. The kind of faith that believes NO ONE is beyond God’s grasp…that NO ONE is beyond redemption.
When we become adults, something happens to our innocence, our belief that ALL things are possible with God. We begin to reason, and think logically, but forget that miracles still happen if we’ll only believe. We forget that prayer changes things! Jesus said, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 Are we righteous within ourselves? NO! We are righteous, or, in right standing with God because of what Jesus did for us on the cross of Calvary. Because we are washed in the blood of Jesus, God hears our prayers and answers them for Jesus’ sake!
Let’s stop offering obligatory prayers to God. Instead, let us call on Him, in faith, believing that He will answer our prayers! Let’s put on the whole armor of God, and walk into the battle unafraid…undaunted by what we see; let’s look with the eyes of a child, and like the little shepherd boy of the Bible-little David…and like my little Joe, let’s go slay some giants in people’s lives!