My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me… -John 10:27
My mom had a saying for my brother and I. We heard it over and over during our growing up years. She would tell us WHAT to do, and HOW to do something…but being like most children, we did it our own way; then we would have to go back and do it like she taught us. That’s when we’d hear these words, “I asked you to do it THIS way, and you did it your own way, so now it’s time for the SAME SONG…SECOND VERSE!”
I’ve had a few of those same ‘learning’ moments with my Heavenly Father. I clearly heard His voice direct me to go a certain way, but I decided my way was better…. So the ‘lesson’ has been brought back around several times until I listen and learn. In my some instances, I’ve had to hear the same song clear up to the 5th verse before I’d do it God’s way! I’m sure I’m not alone in this!
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a new song! But the only way this will happen is if I learn the first time. I’m trying more and more each day to hear the voice of God, and follow His instructions! It’s not always easy, but if I want to learn a different song…a NEW song, then I must listen and obey.
Who else is ready for a new song? Then let’s seek the voice of God, listen with our hearts, and obey His will implicitly…