I love restoring old things! I believe God knows that about me, and honors that desire in me.
Our newest endeavor is an old 1972 class C RV. We’ve never done anything like this before, but it’s coming along nicely!
Some of you may be asking yourselves, “Why restore an old RV?” Well, I’m glad you asked! You see, our church has just bought a tent, and is planning on traveling around the Nation to do tent revivals-or portable chapels as we are calling it. It will be a way to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the inner city neighborhoods.
It is our desire to “restore” folks in these neighborhoods back to God! Most of these people are regarded as the dregs of society…the outcasts…the unredeemable. But God thinks differently. These people are not without hope, they just need someone to tell them of the love of Jesus!
This RV we bought for almost nothing is a real project! We tore out the carpet, replaced the windows, washed the whole inside and out with Clorox, painted every surface we could, and I must say, it is looking and smelling quite different!
That’s the best part! See…that’s the way I was when Jesus found me. I know when He looked at me, He thought…”WOW! This girl is a real piece of work! She won’t be easy to change…but once I’m done, she’ll be worth it!” He had a lot of dirty, smelly things to tear out of me. He replaced the windows to my soul and washed me inside and out with His precious blood. He painted me with His love and mercy, and now, by His grace and forgiveness, I’m looking and smelling quite different.
I hit a rough patch the other day while working on the RV. I said out loud, “Man God! Why do you always give us the most difficult restoration jobs around???” I had to laugh when I heard Him say, “Well…believe Me…you weren’t too easy of a job yourself! But look at you now. You want to help me with my business of restoring broken souls and lives!”
Pray for us as we strive to go into the next level of our service to God Almighty. It’s going to be an awesome experience, I’m sure!