By Anita Mondragon
I wrote this poem years ago for my son Micah Mondragon.  He was in grade school at the time.  Here’s my little note to him, and the poem that followed.-anita

Micah…I thought of this poem one day when I went to pick you up from school.  The wind blew a leaf off of one of the trees where I was parked, and it reminded me of the day we picked up colored leaves and brought them home.  Do you remember us doing that?  Anyway, I hope all of the things we do together will never be forgotten by you.  Even when I am gone…I’ll be looking down from Heaven on you…I’ll still be there with you!  I’ll see you soon son!  Love, mom

As the years come and go

And you move away…

When you’re old and gray…

Will you still remember me?

In the crisp fall air,

When the wind is blowing;

The logs in the fireplace

Are crackling and glowing…

Will you still remember me?

When in a bowl, the colored leaves lie…

When people you love, must say good-bye.

Will you still remember me?

When objects of Christmas fill the room,

Will you know that I’m missing

And fell the gloom?

Or will my actions done now, everyday

Make you know I’m still there…

I’ve not gone away?

Even though you don’t see me

My presence you’ll feel…

When you see colored leaves…

Or on your knees kneel;

For I’ve taught you of Jesus,

And of life evermore…

How you can find Heaven

Through Jesus, The Door.

So when my boat sails, far away from your sight…

Don’t worry about me…everything is all right!

It sure doesn’t mean that the river of life ends…

I haven’t gone far…I’m just around the bend!

I’ll see you soon son!

Love you!-mama

By:  Anita Mondragon November 2004

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