Our Weakness Equals His Strength

by Anita Mondragon
Dr. Jeremiah was telling the story of Denny Morrison the speed skater.  During his career, he encountered many obstacles, but with fierce determination, he pushed through them all to arrive at his goal.  I’m sure during the times of his severe health problems, fear crept in as well as discouragement; but he never gave up!
We as saints of God are to have the same fierceness regarding our walk with God.  The Bible tells us in Proverbs 24:16, “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he will rise again…”  How can that be?  What gives us the strength to keep getting up?  It is nothing less than girding our loins with truth, and our faith and trust in a mighty God. He gives us the strength and the courage to rise again and keep going!
We all experience various times of weakness throughout our life. But we must always remember that Jesus has already won the battle. We possess the victory through Christ and His shed blood. Paul reminds us that we are not fighting for victory but from the victory that Christ already secured for us at the cross.
So when the enemy comes knocking…do we run…or STAND?  The choice is yours; but be careful how you choose, for one choice makes you win…but the other, makes you lose!
Make the choice to win!  Stand your ground, and let the Lord fight your battles. We must align ourselves with the truth of God if we are going to stand firm in our faith. You do your part through prayer and the study of God’s Word!  Remember what the author said?  ….”If your Bible is falling apart, it usually means that YOU are NOT!” Buckle up before going out!
See Psalm 119:28- “I am melting away from anxiety and grief; renew my strength, in keeping with your word.” 
Worship and Praise are also weapons of our warfare against the enemy.  Practice them daily along with your Bible reading and prayer time! Allow God to fill the broken places of your life.  Let Him bond them together and strengthen you with His peace!

2 Responses to “Our Weakness Equals His Strength”

  1. Esther Hernandez says:

    Amen, Sister Anita.
    We give thanks always to our heavenly Father who “grants us, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man” (Ephesians 3:16).
    God is good all the time!

    He loved us so much He gave His Son Jesus Christ to be righteousness for us through our faith in Him. This is how evil is overcome within our own hearts. Thank you, Jesus!

    Paul said in the book of Romans 3:10, “There is none righteous, no not one.” We ALL fall into this classification – unrighteous. But when we receive the righteousness of Christ and stand with our faith unwavering, walking in truth, believing and proclaiming the truth of God, we can then do what is good and right to overcome the evil around us, and leave the results to God.

    “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Galations 6:9 NASB

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