By Anita Mondragon
I wrote the following poem in April of 2009. It was inspired by the old hymn, “The Ninety and Nine.” I was that lost sheep until Jesus found me! -Anita
There’s an old song sung,
Where a story is told,
Of ninety-nine sheep,
Who were safe in the fold.
But one lamb was lost,
It had gone astray;
Up on the mountain…
In the hills far away.
So, the Shepherd went looking
For that wayward, lost sheep,
Though the road He traveled,
Was rough, and steep;
He knew it would soon die,
If not in His care…
And the thought of that,
Was more than the Shepherd could bear!
So He crossed through waters
That were dangerous and deep,
With the night dark and long,
As He searched for that sheep.
Then, out in the desert,
He heard its sad bleating.
It was wounded and bruised,
Its life quickly fleeting.
The Shepherd gently placed
The lamb on His shoulders;
And trudged up that mountain,
Over rocks and boulders.
As the lamb looked back
At the path now trod,,
He saw drops of blood
On the rocks, and the sod.
The Shepherd was bleeding,
His hands-ripped and torn;
His precious brow
Pierced, by many a thorn!
His side bled too,
And so did His feet;
Then that sorrowful lamb
Began to bleat.
“Dear Shepherd, forgive
This wandering sheep,
That strayed from the fold
To the mountains steep!
I know I was wayward,
I was stubborn, and strayed;
Now You’ve suffered much anguish
Because I went my own way!
Forgive me Dear Shepherd!”
The lamb did bleat.
But the Shepherd cried loudly…
“I have found my sheep!”
“Though I’m battered, and bruised,
And beaten sore,
It was worth it all…
For this lamb’s lost no more!
My sheep that was lost,
No longer will roam!
So rejoice, and make ready…
For we’re on our way home!”