By Anita Mondragon
Well…here we are, almost at the end of the second month of 2020.  I made a list of several things I wanted to do differently this year.  Things like:  Changing my diet and exercising more, was of course in there, but other things came to mind as well.  Things like, smiling more, being more kind and humble, really looking at people with God’s eyes and seeing their hurt, sharing Jesus more; then one thing really stuck out in my mind–giving up!

Not quitting on the things of life, but rather, surrender…giving up…giving in to the will of God for my life.  There are some things He wants me to do, and I’ve been fearful…stubborn…argumentative…rebellious…disobedient.  Stomping my foot, throwing my little tantrums, and refusing to do what He asks.

Oh come on now!  I know I am not alone in this boat!  I dare say His Life Raft is full of uncooperative Believers like me.  But He’s waiting for us…for me to say, “I’m tired of fighting with You!  I just want to come home!”

I recall when my husband and I were first together.  We both had baggage from our previous lives.  When I was mad at him, I’d use mean, hateful words to hurt him.  When he was angry at me, he’d hurt me by sleeping on the couch.  That used to fry my hide when he would do that!  This kind of nonsense went on for a short time…a few months, then we both realized how futile it all was.  Making up, saying “Sorry!” was so much easier!  Saying, “I just want to come back and have things the way they were!  I love you and I miss you terribly!”  ….Saying those kinds of words made everything all right between us and life was peaceful and good.

That’s what Jesus wants from us.  If we are Believers, he wants us to return to Him, and stop fighting with the purpose He has for us.  

If we are not yet Believers, He stands with arms wide open, waiting to welcome us into His family.  He says, “Come unto Me, all you who are weary and burdened…and I will give you rest!”-Matthew 11:28

I don’t know about you…but I don’t want another year of drama!  I give up!  I give in!  I SURRENDER!

Remember these two old hymns?  

All to Jesus I surrender…all to Him, I freely give.  I will ever love and trust Him.  In His presence, daily live!  I surrender all….I surrender all!  All to Him, my blessed Savior, I surrender all!    -Judson W. Van DeVenter (1855-1939)

I’ve wandered far, away from God…now, I’m coming home!  The paths of sin, too long I’ve trod…now, I’m coming home.  Coming home!  Coming home!  Never more to roam…open wide your arms of love….Lord…I’m coming home!   –William J. Kirkpatrick

This is all God wants from us….  He says:

“I love you more than you will ever know!  Just surrender. Just come home!”

Anita Mondragon

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