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We’ve all seen them around town. They attract attention to businesses. They are long, bright-colored tubes with faces and arms. When the power of the blower (wind machine) is turned on, they beckon folks to come in. They are inviting.
But to be a windsock Christian is a distraction! Christians are supposed to be stable, confident, and steadfast! So I ask you…
Are you a windsock Christian?
Are you on fire for God one minute, but unsure of your beliefs the next? Do certain ideas of the world confuse you and cause you to question if you’re too old fashioned because you just believe God’s Word? Do you dabble in astrology, New Age, or Eastern thoughts as a way to “cope” with everyday life? As a Believer, do the sanctimonious, self-righteous attitudes of some throw you for a loop and cause you to stumble? These are questions we should all ask ourselves from time to time because there’s so much out there coming at us on a daily basis…even in the church!
Yesterday, this came to mind as I pondered on the pastor’s sermon-especially the last part of it where he was talking about the attacks of faith sent to us by the enemy.
Micah…I thought of this poem one day when I went to pick you up from school. The wind blew a leaf off of one of the trees where I was parked, and it reminded me of the day we picked up colored leaves and brought them home. Do you remember us doing that? Anyway, I hope all of the things we do together will never be forgotten by you. Even when I am gone…I’ll be looking down from Heaven on you…I’ll still be there with you! I’ll see you soon son! Love, mom
As the years come and go
And you move away…
So, you go to God in earnest prayer…but His line, always seems to be busy. You cry out to Him, and explain that there must have been a mistake…this CAN’T be HIS plan for you! You ask Him to check again and make sure He has the correct spelling of your name…make sure He’s looking at YOUR file; but, you don’t hear back. It seems like He’s far away…maybe non-existent.
This will be the day I come to KNOW You,
The day I find a love so strong and true!
We’ll meet there at the altar of my heart
In that special place You’ve set apart.
I’ll pray and I know You’ll listen to me,
For You died to save my soul and set my spirit free!
I know you loved me then, and I know You love me now;
The day they nailed your hands and feet and pierced your precious brow.
They scourged and mocked you sore and I know ‘twas all for me
That day You bought my soul…that day on Calvary!
Small clouds of different shapes and sizes – colored bright orange, were clumped together like a huge coral reef.
A few stars peeked out beneath some large dark clouds like barnacles on a ship.
A light cool breeze softly blew, and seemed to chart a course, that slowly pushed those dark clouds like ships as they sailed across the blue expanse.
It was then I recalled the mercy of God! As my own ship has sailed on this ocean called life, God has guided my vessel through the rough waters and the calm as well.
I stood at that window and marveled at the mercy and goodness of God! I’m completely amazed that when I allow Him to be the Captain of my ship, He will take the helm of my vessel and safely steer me home on His Ocean of love and forgiveness!
it can be hard to deal,
worry can set in the mind,
causing us to bind,
into knots,
our thoughts,
take us captive,
we struggle to be adaptive
By Mark HaysLife is real,it can be hard to deal,
worry can set in the mind,
causing us to bind,
into knots,
our thoughts,
take us captive,
we struggle to be adaptive
We seek release,
Cry Lord help us please,
but it’s hard,
with all the cards,
we’re dealt,
the weight on our heart is felt
We want to have a say,
in the problems we face,
they stay on replay,
in our mind they weigh
but often we can’t affect the outcome,
which is hard to admit,
the fact we can’t throws us in a fit
It’s hard to release,
we find no peace
but there’s a perfect peace,
to be had,
one that will turn you,
from sad to glad
The Lord comes to us,
tells us to cast our cares on Him,
let your faith rise within,
and learn to trust,
it is a must,
in our wonderful Savior,
if you cast your cares on Him,
it will ease your mind’s labor
for He is Lord over all,
your worries and fears,
the thoughts that have held,
you captive for years
surrender them to Him,
open yourself to faith,
and let it fill to the brim
the Lord never fails,
He’s led believers through stormy gails
He can do the same for you,
His Word is true,
so ease your troubled mind,
give it all to Him and He will unbind,
your soul,
give Him control,
make that your goal
Life is real,
But when you let the Lord deal,
with your cares,
you will fare,
much better,
and you’ll be able to weather,
what comes your way,
call to Him today,
find the peace your worries and fears stole,
and you will find rest for your soul.
What a great prayer! As Believers, this is the kind of stuff we should be seeking God for on a daily basis!
Thanks for the reminder sister Francine!