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By Anita Mondragon
During my early years of childhood, our family was very poor.  We lived in a ratty old house with plaster walls, most of which was missing.  My mom would stuff old rags in between the cracks to keep the cold out.  I wore hand-me-downs until I was eight years old, and slept in a crib until I was six.  Christmas for us was very different indeed.  We struggled to have food on the table, so my brother and I rarely had presents.  This poem came from a memory of one Christmas in particular.-Anita

A ratty old shack

On the poor side of town;

No Christmas lights

Anywhere to be found.

Inside it’s doors,

Lived a family of four;

Wanting…and hungry…

So very poor!

I remember it well,



by Francine Rodriguez

 Have you ever felt like you have given your all and yet no one appreciates what you do? And just when you feel that your making some progress everything seems to be shot down. When you’re overwhelmed and distressed it seems as if everyone is against you, suddenly you discover there is no one to turn to for comfort or help in your trouble, no one but God.

We read in 1 Samuel 30 that David felt the same way we do at times. But David discovered that when there is no one to stand by you or to encourage you that sometimes you just have to learn how to strengthen yourself in the Lord.  

David and his men had returned home to Ziklag to find that the Amalekites had been there and they had raided and burned the city of Ziklag. But the worst was that they had taken all the women, their sons, and daughters and all that were there captive. They were distressed and they cried until they couldn’t cry anymore.



By Anita Mondragon

I was remembering some of my old life yesterday, and how chaotic it all was. There wasn’t much good to be found. Yes, I was still breathing…but I wasn’t ALIVE! After pondering on that for most of the day, I went to bed last night thinking about how sweet life is with Jesus. HE changed everything for me! It reminded me of the following Country Western song I heard many years ago. “At the time”, I thought I loved my life when Satan was my master, but since I met Jesus…I know I was barely surviving.

Take a look at the words with a spiritual view, and see if you don’t agree with me! Words in parenthesis are mine…. -anita



by Mike Mondragon

Cain did not get himself in trouble, when he killed his brother, he was already in trouble.

There were signs previous to his deadly and murderous encounter with his brother, which showed Cain was not right with God, and he was not obedient to God. 

Short and to the point, are we right with God tonite? You see, regardless of what we believe, there is no such thing as a little sin or big sin. All sin is equal to God.



by Anita Mondragon
“Even when you are old, I will be the same.  Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you.  I made you and will take care of you.  I will carry you and save you.”  Isaiah 46:4
 This predicament I seem to be in has been on my mind for a few years now.  When your parents have died, and all your aunts and uncles have joined them, you realize how frail life can be. 
Then the ravages of time start catching up with YOU…it seems that Miss Clairol and Max Factor have become two of your best friends!  You dye your hair now because you have to…not because you want a ‘new’ look!  You try to cover up the new wrinkles that appear every day.  You realize your youth has faded.  What’s that old song…”The Old Gray Mare, she ain’t what she used to be….? 



By Anita Mondragon
He was more talkative than usual as he climbed the stairs to bed.  Something was bothering him, I just wasn’t sure what it was. We said our bed-time prayers, turned on his favorite story of “Narnia”, and said our “good-nights”.

I had just drifted off to sleep, my body and mind finally relaxing.  Suddenly, I was awakened to sobs of terror coming from his room.  Hurriedly, I ran across the hall, threw open the door, and went to his side.  He was shaking, tears running down his face uncontrollably!  I held him close as I sat on the edge of his bed and asked,

“What’s wrong?”



By Anita Mondragon
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such things there is no law.”  Galatians 5:22 & 23
It was almost Spring.  The air was cool and crisp as I walked through the woods. The dead, decaying leaves of the previous Fall still lay ankle-deep on the forest floor.

Looking up at the almost naked trees, I could see new life trying to come forth.  Small green buds were popping out of the branches, pushing off the last dead clinging leaves.  The trees would soon be in full bloom…lush…green…beautiful!



By Anita Mondragon
In this day and age, the devil has many attractive devices to distract us from our real purpose.  He offers these things and demands nothing from us but our time.  
The thing we all fail to understand is that when a moment is gone…it’s gone for good.  There is power in a moment.  A smile, a friendly glance, a mere “Hello!” can change the course of someone’s outcome. That moment could stop a person from committing suicide.  



By Anita Mondragon
We have a friend that came down with the virus.  They put him in the hospital and he needed to be on a respirator so he could breathe.  In order to do this, he was put into an induced coma.  He remained this way for three weeks.  As his condition improved, they decided he no longer needed the respirator.  However, he was not responding and remained in a comatose state.
A call for prayer was requested.  No matter what was done, there was no response from our friend.  He was breathing but seemed lifeless.  The night the call for prayer came, I woke myself up a few times calling his name aloud in my sleep.  I recalled the story of Lazarus in the Bible…how Jesus went to his tomb and called out his name.  I earnestly prayed that God Himself would call out the name of my friend and wake him from his sleep.



By Anita Mondragon
I was watching a movie the other night and the question was posed, “Who are you?”
Let’s put that into a Spiritual application, and let’s ask ourselves, “Who are we …really?”  We’ve all ‘played’ at church and the Christian life.  We got tired and weary and wanted to quit.  Some of us did.  Some of us stopped going to church, reading our Bible, witnessing to others; in fact, most of the world would never recognize us as a Christian.  Perhaps some of us attended church and were even active in it as teachers, ushers, deacons, etc.  Some of us may even have been pastors at one time.  But we’ve laid all that aside for a normal life.


One Response to “Forgiven- A Daily Devotional”

  1. Anita says:

    What a great prayer! As Believers, this is the kind of stuff we should be seeking God for on a daily basis!
    Thanks for the reminder sister Francine!

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