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This morning, several unexpected things happened, one right after the other.  I thought to myself, “Wow!  It’s gonna be another one of THOSE days I guess!”  Every time something new occurred, it was like, “another fly in the ointment.”  I felt like a drowning man…  desperate…in need of something to cling to!  I went to the Promise Box, and this is what God gave me:

“…If God be for us, who can be against us?” -Romans 8:31

Wow!  I needed that!

Here is the poem that went along with the above verse:

“When we in darkness walk, nor feel the heavenly flame, then is the time to trust our GOD, and rest upon His name!”-Unknown



Did your day begin with unexpected problems?  Read the above verse…get it into your spirit, and KNOW IN YOUR HEART that God is for you; so NOTHING that comes against you today can steal your joy!

Stay Blessed!

-Anita Mondragon


Years ago, when I was still in the work force, our company paid beaucoup bucks for a seminar we all had to take.  It was called, “Integrity Selling.”  I really learned a lot from this seminar.  The Founder, and Author of the book must have known a lot about God, and His precepts, for it was Biblical in many ways.  Take a look at the following, and you’ll see what I mean. -anita

Here are some quotes from the book:




These are Biblical principles that God expects from those that KNOW HIM!  It says in the book of Philippians, “I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me!”

If God has called you to a distant mission field…even if you are afraid to go…GO!  Or, if that mission field is only your neighborhood, (which we are ALL called to harvest,) then have no fear…preach the Gospel!  He said, “GO into all the world and preach the Gospel!”

If you are asked to perform some duty at your church, don’t be afraid to step out in Faith and tackle the task put before you!  God will supply all your needs to accomplish that task!

If you are in need of something…ASK!  God said, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you!…”  That means you should have no fear when you ask God for a miracle.  It overflows into your daily life as well…have no fear or embarrassment to ask your friends, and brothers and sisters from church for help if you need it.  We, the congregation of the local church are called to “help those that are of the household of Faith…”

In Christ, there are NO LIMITS…NO BOUNDARIES….  We are to STRETCHFORTH…BREAKFORTH….  We are to see through eyes of Faith and KNOW  that God will ENLARGE OUR TERRITORY.  If we look through eyes of Faith, we will SEE INCREASE…ALL AROUND US!  Pray for God to RELEASE YOU from all your fears!

Like the old saying goes…”Just Do It!”  My favorite saying is this:



The night is nearly over.  The day is almost here. –Romans 13:12


If you were given only six words to write a powerful, inspiring story…could you do it?

After reading the above verse, these are the six words that came to my mind:


The ‘night’, otherwise known as the darkness in this world brought on by the reign of Satan, is nearly over!  The day which will bring the glorious light of Christ upon the return of Jesus, is almost here!

If you KNOW Jesus as your personal Savior, you will be ready for Jesus’ return.  But…what about those in your world that don’t yet know Him?

Most of us live our everyday lives like we will be here forever.  We never give a thought to dying. But… what if we’re wrong?

What if we would live every day as if it were our last?

John the Baptist had a nine word message.  It went like this: Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!  Many scoffed at his message, but many also listened and believed.

When we rise in the morning, will our thoughts and conversations be filled with our plans for the future?  Will we be like the rich man in the Bible that said, “This is what I’ll do.  I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain and I’ll say to myself, ‘You have plenty of grain laid up for many years.  Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your soul will be required of you…” –Luke 12:18-20

Some people won’t make it to tomorrow.  Have you shared Jesus with them? Have they heard about Him?  Could they make the choice to follow Him? OR is their fate already sealed because you didn’t use your knowledge of the Truth to help them decide?  And yes. Some will scoff…but if just one listens and is rescued it will be worth it!

As I write this, it’s almost bed time.  ….But the night won’t last long. When tomorrow dawns and brings the new day, ask yourself:



The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. -Proverbs 15:3
Awhile back, I saw a little sign at the Christian Book Store.  At first, I decided to buy it for my son, hoping that its words would cause him to think about his actions.  Sometimes, just knowing you’re being watched changes your behavior.  But then I realized that I needed to think about my own actions as well, so I hung it in the kitchen for both of us to be able to observe it several times a day.
It was a simple three word statement, but the signature gave it the ‘punch’ it needed to catch our attention and cause us to ponder its importance.  All it said was:  I SAW THAT…AND IT WAS SIGNED: -GOD.
Most times when I think about God seeing me, or watching me, it strikes a certain amount of reverent fear in my heart causing me to do the right thing.  If I’ve already done something displeasing to God, and then remember that He’s seen it, it makes me want to fall on my knees, call out to Him, and repent.
But we must remember that God sees us in all situations and events of our lives.  He knows when we are sad.  He sees our hurts.  He knows the pain caused by death, divorce and sickness.  He sees the agony a parent goes through when they have wayward children.  He not only sees these things, He is there with us walking beside us through it all.
He KNOWS the intent of our heart when we do a deed-good or bad.  Was the deed done in honest concern?  Or was it done for men’s applause?
We need to examine ourselves from time to time.  We must ask ourselves “WHY?” am I dong this?  Why do I speak the way I do?  Do I praise God in private the same way I praise Him in public?  Do I do things for others so I will be glorified?  Or are the things I do done for the glory of God?
REMEMBER…He’s watching!


I pulled the following from my Promise Box this morning, and wanted to share this thought with you….   
When things get rough today, just remember…God has a hedge of protection around you, and your family!  He has put His  angels in charge of taking care of you! 
When the devil comes to you today and whispers fear in your ear…quote this verse out loud, and watch him run!  “He shall give his angels charge over thee, (me and my family) to keep thee (us) in all thy (our comings and goings) ways.  They (the angels) shall bear thee (me/us) up in their hands, lest thou (I/we) dash thy (my/our) foot against a stone.” -Psalm 91:11-12

Here is the prayer that accompanied the verse…

Help us to always sense YOUR presence LORD, not only in times of trouble…but in every moment!.
Trust in the Lord!  He’s got you covered! 
-Anita Mondragon


“If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him; If we deny Him, He also will deny us.” II Tim. 2:12


Living the Christian Life as a true Believer is not an easy task. Sometimes, we have the idea that just because we KNOW Jesus as our Savior, life should be a bed of roses and we should have no problems. We that have lived the Believer’s life know that the ‘bed of roses’ also contain many thorns! The secret to getting through the thorny parts of life is to remember the sweet times, the soft moments, the fragrance of knowing that the Almighty God is there with you … ALWAYS!


Jesus had his own “thorns” to deal with during His time here on earth, and NOT just the thorns they placed on His head! He didn’t have a house to live in. He walked everywhere He went. He ate whatever was offered to Him. The Government at the time was constantly after Him, trying to kill Him because of His ministry. His friends forsook Him in the end. Even God the Father…HIS Father, turned His back on Him! But Jesus never lost sight of the goal. The goal was to SAVE US FROM OUR SINS!


Jesus saw the end of things. That’s what He kept in mind as He hung there between Heaven and earth and died for our sins.!


Living the Christian Life is not an easy task…but WOW! What a reward it will all be when we see Jesus, face to face!


-Anita Mondragon


I just want to let You know, You mean the world to me!
Your love has made me who I am-the best that I could be.
I just want to tell you that You’ve made my life worth-while.
You’ve taken all my sadness, and shown me how to smile!
Just know, I’ll never leave You!  ….These ties I’ll never sever,
For I know You loved me then, You love me now, and You always will…Forever!
-Anita Mondragon


My dad was a farmer for many years and he had an old saying…it goes like this:  “If you throw a rock into a pen full of pigs, you can bet the one that squeals, is the one that got hit!”
I want to talk to you for a just a minute about getting ‘hit’ by the Word of God from the pulpit.
Some folks get mad, and never come back to church because they got ‘hit’.  Other folks ‘squeal’ in pain, but run to the altar to ask for forgiveness.  
You see, the pastor’s job is to preach the Word, and let the Holy Spirit convict us of our sin!  Some folks believe that going to church is supposed to be a wonderful experience with sweet words and flowery speeches.  Some of it is.  But the church is really supposed to be a hospital…a place of healing and curing all of us from whatever ailment we may have in our Spiritual walk with God.
I’d rather take the ‘hit’ from the pulpit, and from my friends and loved ones…squeal in pain, see my guilt NOW, and have the opportunity to ask God for forgiveness…change my ways, than to see the disappointment in God’s eyes when I stand before Him.  It will be too late to ask for forgiveness then.  Too late to change my ways!
You see, our self-righteous attitude disappoints other Believers around us and we become a stumbling block to their growth and walk with the Lord.  And, even worse, our testimony to the lost is destroyed.  We think we’re pulling the wool over people’s eyes, -and even the eyes of God at times, but it’s 100% cotton!  People can see right through us!  And so can God Almighty!  
Instead of seeing Jesus in us and finding salvation, they see lies and deception.  They see back-stabbers and connivers…lovers of SELF, rather than lovers of God!
Next time you get ‘hit’ by the Word of God that’s being preached from the pulpit…RUN to the altar and ask for forgiveness!
– Anita Mondragon    


Many verses in the Bible encourage laughter for it is good for the soul.  “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” -Proverbs 17:22
Below are some funny, yet wise sayings I heard while growing up.  So…if you woke up heavy-hearted this morning…read the following and laugh!  It’s healing to the soul! -anita
**On Aging:
.  One of the good things about getting old is, you can hear all the things you said before for the first time! -Barn Wood Builders
.  As you are…so once was I; and as I am…so shall you be. -Faye Hays
**On Modesty:
.  Kids now days don’t wear enough clothes to wad a shot bun! -M.B. Schuessler
.  You ain’t wearing enough clothes to make a pair of leggins for a honeybee! – A straight-laced preacher in Texas
**On Sowing Your Wild Oats:
.  A dancing foot, and a praying knee don’t grow on the same leg! – M.B. Schuessler
.  A lot of folks go out on Saturday night and sow their wild oats; then on Sunday morning, they come to church, run to the altar and pray for a crop failure…it won’t happen!  God say, “Whatever you sow…you WILL reap!” – M.B. Schuessler
**On Housekeeping:
.  The Bible says that man is made from the dust of the earth, and I swear…I have at least six guys under my bead! -Faye Hays
**On the Friends you keep:
.  Birds of a feather, flock together! – Grandma Schuessler
.  Bad company corrupts good manners. -The Bible I Cor. 15:33
**On Taking Advice:
.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink! -Grandpa Koehn
**On Pre-Marital Sex:
.  “I’m like the tomato Bud!  DON’T SQUEEZE ME ‘TILL I’M YOURS!” -Faye Hays
**On Vulgarity:
.  Some folks use curse words like salt and pepper; most of these folks over-season the conversation! -Faye Hays
.  Cursing is the effort of a feeble mind to express it’s self forcefully! -Unknown
**On Health:
.  If God would have intended you to smoke, He would have put a fire-box in your belly, and a smoke stack on your head! -M.B. Schuessler
.  Smoking will only ruin your health!  You’re like a walking billboard: Fire on one end…Fool on the other! -M.B. Schuessler
**On Retirement (of Pastors)
.  Old preachers never die…they just go out to pastor! -Faye Hays
**On Hasty Actions: ( doing before you think and paying the consequences later):
.  You made your bed…now lie in it! -Lola Schuessler
.  Look before you leap! -Grandma Schuessler
.  What in the cat hair were you thinking???-M.B. Schuessler
**On Facing the Truth:
.  Truth hurts to heal.  Fiction tickles to destroy-Dan Allen
**On getting to the point:
.  Stop going around the barn, and just spit it out for Heaven’s sake! -Aunt Heps
Even though we see a lot of humor in these old sayings, there is also much wisdom!  Laugh…but find the deeper meaning.  You’ll be wise if you do!


This will be the day I come to KNOW You,
The day I find a love so strong and true!
We’ll meet there, at the altar of my heart
In that special place You’ve set apart.
I’ll pray, and I know You’ll listen to me,
For You died to save my soul and set my spirit free!
I know You loved me then, and I know You love me now;
The day they nailed your hands and feet and pierced your precious brow.
They scourged and mocked you sore and I know ’twas all for me
That day You bought my soul…that day on Calvary!
-Anita Mondragon

One Response to “Forgiven- A Daily Devotional”

  1. Anita says:

    What a great prayer! As Believers, this is the kind of stuff we should be seeking God for on a daily basis!
    Thanks for the reminder sister Francine!

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