By Anita Mondragon
One day, while in prayer for my children, God gave me this poem. I hope it encourages all of you “mamas” out there. Never give up! Keep on going to war and pray for your children!
The most violent battles that are ever fought,
Do you know who fights them and when?
In history books, you will find them not,
For they’re fought by the mothers of men.
Not with tanks, guns, or swords
Like in wars of today;
But down on their knees,
As they kneel to pray!
These battles don’t last for mere days or months,
Sometimes, they turn into years;
And their weapons of war are calloused knees,
Praise and faith and tears.
Each night with their voice raised up in plea,
They pray for their child’s eternity.
They silently raise their prayers to God,
And ask Him to lead where their children trod.
And tho’ exhausted, they press on…
They refuse to give up or yield;
As they bring each child before the Throne of God,
There…on that battlefield.
In their aprons and housecoats, and Clorox stained T’s,
They don’t look like soldiers to you and me;
But that old devil knows he’s in for a fight
When a mother slides to her knees each night,
And calls out the names of her children dear,
To the Father above, who bends to hear.
For the fiercest wars fought,
Are fought on bended knee,
As a mother prays,
For her children’s victory!