By Mark Hays
Life is real,

it can be hard to deal,

worry can set in the mind,

causing us to bind,

into knots,

our thoughts,

take us captive,

we struggle to be adaptive

We seek release,

Cry Lord help us please,

but it’s hard,

with all the cards,

we’re dealt,

the weight on our heart is felt


We want to have a say,

in the problems we face,

they stay on replay,

in our mind they weigh


but often we can’t affect the outcome,

which is hard to admit,

the fact we can’t throws us in a fit


It’s hard to release,

we find no peace


but there’s a perfect peace,

to be had,

one that will turn you,

from sad to glad


The Lord comes to us,

tells us to cast our cares on Him,

let your faith rise within,

and learn to trust,

it is a must,

in our wonderful Savior,

if you cast your cares on Him,

it will ease your mind’s labor


for He is Lord over all,

your worries and fears,

the thoughts that have held,

you captive for years


surrender them to Him,

open yourself to faith,

and let it fill to the brim


the Lord never fails,

He’s led believers through stormy gails


He can do the same for you,

His Word is true,

so ease your troubled mind,

give it all to Him and He will unbind,

your soul,

give Him control,

make that your goal


Life is real,

But when you let the Lord deal,

with your cares,

you will fare,

much better,

and you’ll be able to weather,

what comes your way,

call to Him today,

find the peace your worries and fears stole,

and you will find rest for your soul.